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The 'C' word



I have decided to share this with you today to put it in the open so people can be informed correctly and hopefully for those in my age group, get a check up!

On the 23rd of Feb this year I heard the dreaded words from my Doctor, "you have cancer".

Without all the boring bits, a ton of tests and scans later and I know it's bowel cancer and also cancer in my left kidney.

On Monday the 13th I will undergo surgery to have it all cut out. That means a couple of weeks in hospital and a substantial recovery period.

The good news is the surgeon believes in 12 months I should be living a normal life again and 100% cancer free.

Btw I'm 49 with a crappy family history for this so the warning signs were there, but I ignored them until I was in serious pain...

If you are around that range, GET A CHECK UP!

P.S. If anyone hits my nation while I'm gone I invite the whole world to burn them to the ground!


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Good Dajobo

Our prayers are with you if that is acceptable. My spouse just went through cancer surgery and radiation treatment last year, it is tough and may be hard on your loved ones but stay strong treatments continue to improve.


Dame HIme Themis

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I wish you the best my friend, I hope everything goes ok and that you come back soon. Best of luck for you QL and all your family in this hard moment.

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Keep your spirits high and your intentions true, you will overcome this journey, just believe it is so.

Those who are close to you need your presence in thier lives. Prayers are with you.

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I should also like to mention that when I saw the title of this at the side of my screen, I thought you were going to call one or more people a bunch of c*nts.

Not even kidding.

When my Daughter was in Kindergarden she got up and told her class that her mummy say's the "C" word all the time. Awkwardly the teacher mentioned it to my wife before having to clear up that in our house the "C" naughty word was in fact "crap". Was a bit of a laugh.

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Best wishes, on your surgery, and whatever else may follow as you work through this. Having cancer survivors in the family, it can be a rough ride, but the right support makes all the difference. You'll be in my thoughts, and I hope to hear of your success in beating it.

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Keep up the good fight Dajobo! You're a great leader and have been a good friend to me, though we haven't got to catch up since I came back.
I hope the surgery went well!

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Also thought this was the other c-word.

Take care of that Dajobo. Looking forward to seeing you back and healthier than ever when all is said and done.

It'll be a rough road, regardless of what the doctors have said about the plan to be cancer free. No matter how "smooth" the journey, it's still one hell of a ride. Be sure to enjoy both the highs and the lows of that journey; after enduring the pits, celebrate all of the successes and the strength it took to overcome each obstacle.

And hey, between sitting in a hospital post-op or any subsequent therapies, there's always a computer, internet, and this stupid internet game with cyber nations.

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