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How Long Until We Have "Spy" CBs, or "multi" CBs?



With the new rules, how long do you think it'll take for someone to get to the "Same network nations, shared information with each other" CB?

Does this change anything about how your alliance will vet people, or how they allow people into their AA?


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I'm not concerned about multies, I have full faith in the mods being able to identify and remove those players from this realm.

My concern is, however, lets say I convince my roommate(s) to play CN. We then plot to take over the world and devise the best strategy is to pretend we don't know each other and join up on different corners of the MDP web and share info without telling anyone what we're doing.

Then again, if it were me and my friends we'd probably just get competitive and try to get each others alliance rolled.

Unrelated: http://imgur.com/Ec2Ua

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I'm not concerned about multies, I have full faith in the mods being able to identify and remove those players from this realm.

My concern is, however, lets say I convince my roommate(s) to play CN. We then plot to take over the world and devise the best strategy is to pretend we don't know each other and join up on different corners of the MDP web and share info without telling anyone what we're doing.

Then again, if it were me and my friends we'd probably just get competitive and try to get each others alliance rolled.

Unrelated: http://imgur.com/Ec2Ua

That's what I was talking about. If I get my roommates to join, and they help spy on an alliance for me. Or they tell me that their alliance is attacking someone etcetera. How is that policeable by mods?

If it were my friends. We'd spy on people and get !@#$ $%&@ed up.

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The GPA solution is best: the government is very transparent and accountable and it would be relatively easy for a "spy" to get access to most of the significant information... but that information would be worthless for any outside party, as we don't get involved/care enough and in the forms that can be interesting for them.

tl;dr neutrals don't count

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Reavers are too lazy to run our own nations, let alone another. That said, it won't be long until someone tries it, it's a gift wrapped CB

hahah... We welcome it, do you have any clue how many tech and communication engineers reside under our roof ? 8, then throw in Xiao's BS meter that works overtime, the very thought of Ray's multi running around our house tickles us pink.

Then the interrogation process to find out who they were really working for.

The drama that comes from all this will be just awesome. I can't wait to read it all :)


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You're acting like people didn't sneak into other alliances from different places before (home, work, school, cell phone, etc). All that rule changed as it can be from the same place without being illegal.

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