CubaQuerida interview commentary
I'm going to briefly analyze the relevant portions of CubaQuerida's answers to Lord Hershey's answers.
I took a look at our collection of semi-organized, underachieving nations and sat them all down after our most successful set of wars in history. I then said to them, “We’ve stopped being a rogue group no one understands. We've become something unstoppable. We have become a Community.”
This paragraph on DBDC's series of raids throughout the Mushqaeda and Disorder war reveals his interesting perspective on the success of his "wars." It also is a revealing glimpse at his lack of knowledge and experience in CN politics, and perhaps reflects the words of the sycophants whispering words into his ear. The God Emperor's hubris and political inexperience may someday cause much heartache amongst the inexperienced upper tier nations he has been recruiting/impressing into his service in alliances like NEW and SPaTR.
We are not some fascist dictatorship or a rogue state. We make all of our decisions after close consultation with Troy (Artigo) and Abed (TBRaiders), and Annie (Tayloj) always lets us know if we are acting too much like jerks. For general decisions, everyone has a voice, even Pierce (Christian Trojans). We don’t like IRC, it’s antiquated and unreliable, like Leonard. We use Skype as it is the way of the future, and we’re pioneers like that. No one has ever complained that our attack sequences were too slow.
I have used teamspeak while coordinating real-time actions in other games, but that does not mean it is useful in CN (not on the strategic/political level anyway). The use of older, slower forms of communication fit the pace of CN better in my opinion, as actions are mostly only executed once a day. There is no need for voice communication because one's hands do not need to be free to fly/coordinate units or what have you in CN.
Your words not mine, Dean. Just because we do it well and make it look sexy while doing it doesn’t mean people aren’t going to try and hate us for being good at what we do. We have some of the smartest minds in the game in our alliance and there’s absolutely nothing we’re doing that everyone else hasn’t either tried to do or wanted to do. We just do it the best.
Again, a fundamental misunderstanding of politics in CN. Intelligence and aptitude in one area (nation growth) does not generally translate to competence in politics. Otherwise, CN alliance leaders would all reside in the top tier only (but exactly the type of hierarchical wealth based society some would like DBDC would love to create).
I’m not going to get myself all worked up because someone I barely know thinks I’m too powerful and wants to see me and my friends rendered useless or stripped of our ability to fight. Seriously, you can attempt to modify the game all you want, we will find a way to do it better than you and you’ll just feel even worse when you still can’t get the better of us.
Oh, the hubris God Emperor.
Of course, poor Cuba is being manipulated by the many losers of the last war fellating him for his support. A politically inexperienced man suddenly ushered onto the "throne" by sycophants is not a good recipe for stability. Stability comes from cooperation within a unified political system of equals (like Polardoxia), not a hierarchical society of manipulators and deceivers bowing to one man (like the Empire of Moo was).
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