Should I join TORN?
I'm not going to recruit you.
lolwut? Thats right. TORN is not a fit for everyone. Most people just wouldn't last here for one reason or another. Others would love it. I figure this post is a chance to have a bit of a one-way discussion with people considering joining us, so you can make an educated decision.
You need to be IRC active to fit in well here. Not only is showing you can use IRC required to get admitted, but most of the worthwhile alliance happenings (socializing, war stuff) is IRC-centric. If you are a forum only guy, we probably aren't for you. If you're an IRC nut, read on.
Your Rank
If you care at all about your CN rank, other than to be in the top 5% to get nukes perhaps, keep looking. We are not a shield for anyone to build up a massive amount of tech off our noobs while giving nothing eof value to the alliance except your NS count. Furthermore, you should expect to get nuked many times during your tenure here, ruining any hopes you may have of ranking in any area except perhaps land and casualties. If you really want to rank, I can recommend some very quality alliances who are more peaceful and could suit your needs, but it is not us. If you think infrastructure is the Great Satan and must be destroyed at all costs, read on.
Activity In General
"Log in, pay bills, wipe hands on pants" players are the bane of my existence. If you're going to last long here, you'll have to be willing to toss out a few minutes a day to help the alliance somewhere. This is not a lot to ask, but if you want something totally low maintenance, let me dash your hopes right here. If you got this far without wanting out, this probably doesn't discourage you.
RE: Our Allies
Just so you know, you might get called upon to run into a wall of nukes, without any hope of "winning" in the traditional sense, on a moments notice for any one of our allies. If this makes you uncomfortable, or you're simply trying to join up in the hopes of "changing us from within" or some nonsense like that, please do not waste my time or yours. If you want an alliance that will keep you safe from possibly walking into a stomp of an ally, just lurk in Alliance Politics and see who cancels a lot of treaties. They would love to have you and your numbers, I am sure.
Understand What a Meritocracy Is
In TORN, the best person for the job gets the job. We do not care what your tenure is. We do not care how popular you are. We do not care about anything except the job description and your ability to fulfill it better than anyone else up for consideration. We do not vote on very many positions. We are NOT a democracy. There are some quality democracies out there I would be happy to refer you to if this is a deal breaker.
Thats the short version. If none of that has scared you off, you're probably just the kind of person we are looking for. We're a very friendly and active community, and a very unified one at that. You'll get your chances to blow infra up alongside the very best. Its a good time. If you've got more questions, feel free to find me. Otherwise, follow the path to salvation:
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