The rules of this test Hunger Games are simple, Each entered alliance will have a Tribute. Each Tribute's alliance will be ____ Tribute. Full aid will be acceptable in these games, so you can send as much aid as you want to the tributes. A tribute is out when I deem it beaten. A cannon will be fired by adding a link to a cannon firing in the comments of the actual game entry. The dead will be announced at 10 A.M. server time Monday-Friday.
NEW RULE: An alliance does not even have to send one of it's members to fight. I have several eager new nations ready to fight for whatever alliance wants to join, but does not want to send a tribute. Put your alliance name down if this is the case with you.
Reminder: Entering stops at 9:00 A.M. server time tomorrow. That is when I will announce out tributes. The anthem will be played followed by the announcements.
Please refrain from degrading comments to either I or the tributes. I do not want anymore of those comments calling me a guy please. If you plan on signing up, please do so by tonight to make things go smoother. I welcome Cuba, our honorary guest, to these games. Please watch them Cuba to see what works and what does not.
May the odds be ever in your favor,
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