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A Rant



First of all, have a happy pagan winter solstice celebration, everyone!

'Tis the season of giving, and one thing we're all going to see lots of this year, are these colorful little shards of plastic known as "gift cards."

Gift cards are retarded. Some or all of the following come attached to that cute little piece of plastic with puppies in santa hats on it:

-Activation fees

-Monthly fees

-Expiration dates

-Restrictions on where it can be used

-Several volumes of terms and conditions

-The eternal frustration of trying to actually use the damn thing, but you cant unless you know offhand the exact value down to the penny remaining on the card. Which no store can tell you.

You know what has none of these problems? Cash.

I understand that you want to feel like you are getting something for someone. I understand you want to put some extra sentiment behind the gift, and you think just giving cash feels "lazy." But gift cards are just as lazy, and force the recipient to deal with all that bull@#$%. Just get them a damn card and put some goddamned CASH in it. Cash is King. You can do whatever the @#$% you want with cash, I can pay my bills, buy !@#$ from overseas, send a package, I can do whatever I !@#$@#$ want, because cash is accepted everywhere and has no terms and conditions.

Give CASH. The recipient will thank you.


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I've heard of expiration dates on mall gift cards, but I've never even heard of the rest of those.

Many of these terms come with these sort of pseudo-credit-card gift cards. They can be used more places, but there's still restrictions. The only advantage is that you can use them as a credit card online, unlike cash. Which I suppose is only fair to note, they're useful if you want a disposable card to spend online.

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. . . expirations, fees, etc on gift cards are illegal.

If you mean those pseudo debit cards that illegal immigrants use as bank accounts and ignorant grandmas only buy at Christmas, yeah, those aren't "gift cards." I got one of those 2 yrs ago, activated to use and spent it quick, and according to the terms by now I must owe them $96+ in monthly "no activity" fees but they've never been in touch.

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I like gift cards because:

1) it makes me spend money on myself (when otherwise I'd just save the cash)

2) I've not had a gift card with those problems for years

This, plus the fact that a lot of gifts can't be given directly. Buying dinner for people who aren't you? (Think parents paying for a kid's date, that sort of thing.) Buying clothing for people who have a horrible time finding stuff that fits but have a favourite store? Gift cards are perfect for that sort of thing.

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I like gift cards because:

1) it makes me spend money on myself (when otherwise I'd just save the cash)

2) I've not had a gift card with those problems for years

I got some money for Christmas, and there is a simple way to ensure you spend it on something. I was given money by my Grandmother who likes to know what her Grandchildren are up to. As she has given me money, I will now find something to spend it on and write her an email or letter (probably an email but she is not the best with technology) and say what I spent it on, and a general update on life.

As I know I am doing that it gives me an incentive to have spent it on something worthwhile.

Better idea: Don't fuel this ridiculous consumerist holiday, and give no material objects. Give love and give this time of year back its true purpose and meaning. :)

There is a difference between gift giving and consumerism. Gift giving is a way to enrich others lives in your friends and family. I do this by trying to find things they would not normally buy themselves, such as books by authors I know they haven't read, or topics they don't know, or types of sweets they haven't eaten etc etc.

I know others who have given paintings they have made for the occasion as gifts, or other handmade items.

Alternatively, if you want a really interesting challenge invite those you exchange gifts with to shop on a budget of £3 and you will do the same and see what you can get each other.

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Gift cards are a good idea if you happen to know that the recipient is going to use it (e.g. a bookshop gift card to someone that actually usually buys books).

Otherwise they're just lazy. At that point, cash is better.

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Icewolf, but this is precisely why I despise Christmas. It has become an expectation to give and receive gifts (often for family and friends who don't require such items), which destroys the actual meaning of the holiday. When I give a gift out of sincerety and integrity, because I as a person truly wanted to out of kindness and expect no return, it has meaning.

When I give a gift simply because it is expected of me, the gesture of gift giving holds no meaning or sincerity.

More children think of Santa than Jesus when hearing "Christmas."

But why? The holiday isn't a celebration of Saint Nicholas, nor is it even related to such a character. Its a celebration of the birth of the Christian savior and his teachings. Yet, that part just seems to be a side story these days. Instead, we celebrate this "gift giving" ritual and Walmarts record breaking profits they sincerely do not deserve.

I highly doubt Jesus of Nazareth would be even remotely amused by how we claim to celebrate his birth.

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