This will be a long , nearly WoT-esque blog. Usually, between wars, one or more "Grade other alliances" threads pops up on the OWF. This blog is sort of inspired by those, but instead of me rating 1-10 on any given alliance, I am just going to give a couple sentences (maybe more in some instances.) opinions on all of the non-neutral top 80. This is mostly because I am bored today, my SWTOR server is down for maintenance , and i have nothing better to do. So, off we go.....
IRON- Blind. A blind squirrel who is happy with finding one nut, never knowing that there is an entire planter's factory there for the taking. You blindly run down a path that is leading to your own demise. On one hand it is funny to watch. On the other, it is sad. How many of your long time gov members have to leave your alliance because even they see the tiny light of the freight train coming at them through the dark tunnel, before the light bulb comes in one of your heads, and you finally get it?
New Pacific Order - Like a fungus you have grown on me. Not because of what you once were, or who you are now, but because the reality is, you have so many people whom I look at and consider to be a friend. Sadly, despite so many sectors of CN who want to claim to want something new, you will always be the alliance they fall back on to galvanize a sphere. In a way, it is sad. It does, however, say without a doubt, you have done SOMETHING right to garner that much ire, and you should keep on doing it.
New Polar Order - An enigma. For all of your claims, you still seem to always fall down 1 of 2 paths, almost as though you do not know how to follow another path. You have the potential to be so much more than you are, but you seem to find a way to fall when you get to the precipice. You are once again ascending the mountain... It will be fun to see what you do this time.
Orange Defense Network - To be completely honest, this is the most underrated alliance in the game. They have an almost fanatical member base. They have done literally everything they know to do to shed the image of the past, and no matter how many times they prove they are not the same alliance, mouth-breathers will not let it go. To that, I say kudos to my allies, when you can inspire a disdain from the peanut gallery that persists for as long as it has, it really shows more of a jealousy on the part of many other alliances (not all).. for the community and loyalty you have built among your community. I truly do love you guys.
RnR - You anger me. But not for the reasons you may think. I spent 3 years with the attitude that RnR is the only part of SF that doesn't suck. Now that SF no longer exists, I have no real identity for you. So curse you for allowing SF to dissolve. In all honesty, there is much more to like, than to dislike about you. I have, truly, always been a closet fan. Mostly because of that Bambi character. Curse him for that.
MHA - Seriously. One word. Useless. You may have once been a proud alliance that brought something (anything) to the table. Now, you are just a joke. Even to your closest friends and allies, you are a joke. That pretty much sums it up.
Fark - So much potential. So little motivation. You guys seems to always meander your way across the treaty web, which in and of itself, is not that unusual as lots of alliances do this. But you have squandered opportunities to lead, while simultaneously condemning those who had the courage TO lead. Alliances like yours, with the activity, and ability to lead, who refuse to even try to lead, inevitably do more harm to this community than good. Here you are, once again in a position to take something of a lead. Do it right this time.
GATO - Solid, loyal allies. Your one true weakness, is the constant turnover in government. You tend to elect govs that support an almost complete 180 every 9 months or so. Change is good, but it needs to be change with purpose, not just change for the sake of change. Magicninja, for all his huffyness, probably best exemplifies the kind of strong (nearly jerkish) voice that you need to center all your new govs. I honestly truly love you guys, and would happily shed every pixel of my nation in your defense. I just wish for a little more clarity and stability.
That wraps up my judgement of alliances in the top 10 (non-neutral)... stay tuned for 11-20. I know you cannot wait.
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