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Cybernations and Psychohistory



For those of you that are Science fiction fans, you may have comes across the Foundation series by Issac Asimov. This series is premised on the idea of Psychohistory, a fictional branch of science in which statistical analysis can be used to predict Human behavior. Not the behavior of an individual, but of a large crowd. The parallel is of modelling a gas-a single atom is very hard to predict. A billion atoms can be predicted relatively easily. Therefore the future of a billion human beings can be predicted more easily than the future of one.

Clearly this is a fiction as far as Humanity is concerned. However part of me wonders if this could be considered pheasible in the realm of cybernations? After all-we are far more basic than a Human Being. Our nations have two ways to interact-war or trade. Our relationships are very clearly defined. We have alliance membership. We have Treaties that all fit a similar template.

I do not have the knowledge to know if this is possible or the statistical ability to carry it out even if it is. I am not suggesting that it is true. I am merely wondering about the possibility that it could be true.


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It could be, but politics are politics, even in a game. It would be VERY complicated, and as in the book, we couldn't actually know the prediction because that would mess everything up. We can predict things based on patterns. A large war or two has happened every year, so it would be safe to predict that there will be a big war this year as well.

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I think there are some things which could be analysed to give a more certain prediction. For example, you could probably find a correlation between warchest sizes of the sanctioned alliances and the level of tension in CN politics.

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But then there are random incidents, all impossible to account for, that could result in war.

CN is too reliant on the actions of the individual to have this become in any way plausible.

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