The sad state of Games Workshop Australia.
First codex I brought, back in 2005. Eldar, 3rd edition, goes with the Warhammer 40k 4th edition rules.
Still got the pricetag on the book (need to take a photograph).
Price. 28 dollars.
New Eldar codex released todayish, 2013. Eldar, 5th edition, goes with the Warhammer 40k 6th edition rules.
Price. 83 dollars.
In stark contrast, from the leading competitor,
Current War Machine Core Rulebook, Australian online store.
Price. 27 dollars.
I am watching Warhammer clubs, still advertised in the White Dwarf, convert wholesale to playing War Machine. I wonder how long Games Workshop will actually last from here on out, because the prices don't stop going up, Privateer Press hasn't raised prices in living memory, the Australian dollar is starting to deflate against the US dollar (dropping 10 cents since April), and people are starting to catch on to the fact that the Privateer Press game rules are far more fun.
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