The IC/OOC line
This is a OOC forum, people in this game should be able to have OOC knowledge and not use it IC that is the point of having a line.
This is an intriguing statement.
Offline, I play and run roleplaying games of the traditional sort quite a lot. Sir Quote's claim here that the point of having an IC/OOC line is to prevent people from using knowledge gained out-of-character in-character runs into all sorts of difficulties in actual games. Several of the people I play with refuse to talk about games out-of-character for fear of learning things that their character doesn't know, because it's too hard to play knowing the context that your character doesn't.
Given that this is a game with tens of thousands of players, it seems unreasonable to expect them all to live up to an IC/OOC standard that people who've been roleplaying since the '70s can't manage to pull off.
Another problem comes in with the identification of what is IC and what is OOC information. It seems clear that posts about wars in the game are IC, while links to player's Facebook pages are OOC. But... a lot of people identify everything that happens on IRC as OOC.
This strikes me as a problem, since IRC is basically where I play this game. If all of IRC is OOC, then all the queries, where I'm playing a character from a freaking science fiction novel, guys, are OOC, and I'm pretty much ... well not playing. Heh.
So I don't know. We do need a better definition of the IC/OOC line. Personally, I think it should at least extend to stopping CN wars fought on the basis of "He insulted my ex-girlfriend, so now I'm going to impress her by blowing up his alliance!"
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