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Quitting the mod staff?



Someone asked me when I joined the mod team. Well, that one's easy, the day my mod account on the old CN forum was created:

Joined 20-March 07

Then they ask if I have any plans of quitting.

I'll be honest, I have thought about it from time to time. But then I remember the amazing powers I'd be giving up and say "Hell no!" :awesome:

But mostly it's because of the team. We have a pretty good team of mods right now, some players might disgree, but we work well together, express our opinions and find solutions for problems with players that may come up.

Not to forget we have a lot of fun together too! Basically, this is me saying to my fellow mods and admins....I love you all :wub:

Enough mushy stuff for now. I'm not going to quit until I have reached my goal of becoming the most hated mod ever. And people asking me if I have any plans of quitting give me the feeling I'm well on my way :P



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Hehe, I don't hate you.... YET! hahaha. It seems like you are a great team of people, its awesome to hear it from you all too, you don't know how much it does mean to the long time CN players to hear that the people behind the scenes are not only doing their jobs, but are having fun doing them as well. It does get quite boring after you have done everything in the game though :/. Well either way, you cant quit until I hate you so good luck trying.

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