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White Peace



First off let's start with a few definitions...

White Peace (as according to Wikipedia) - The term status quo ante bellum comes from Latin meaning literally, the state in which things were before the war.

White Peace (as according to the CN wiki) - Refers to when one or more alliances involved in an inter-alliance war agree to peace with one another without imposing any terms on one another.

So with those two definitions we have, we can assume that a White Peace is not a surrender, it is just a return to status before the war. Call it what you will, but I don't think GPF surrendered. Granted, we backed out of the war with VE (using my definition, backing out means exiting any situation regardless of circumstances, such as in "But Colonel, we are already engaged and winning, why do we need to back out now?") and the world may frown upon that... but when has the world ever smiled upon anything GPF did? Granted, we at GPF know how lucky we are that a white peace was delcared, the honorable government of VE are a buch of great people for that, and we thank them immensely, but I don’t think it is fair to start calling this for what its not.

I’m biased... I get it. I’m a part of the Global Protection Force and a government member of the alliance at that. I have an agenda like everyone here, but I at least try to look at it from an unbiased point of view. Some people on here who criticize the Global Protection Force on a regular basis cannot honestly say they are totally unbiased, and that is perfectly fine. But is is too much to ask that you at least try to look past your differences with GPF and judge their actions for that action and not for what you perceive the alliance as a whole to be?


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I have to disagree with those definitions in relation to the CN world. Given many surrenders we see do not involve terms that place an obligation on either side the distinction above does not really hold water.

Furthermore, by the definition of imposed terms alone, GPF did in fact surrender as the only terms are those placed on GPF. VE has no obligation not to re-enter the war against you. But for reasons below I do not see this as determinate of the status of the end of hostilities.

The difference between surrender and white peace in the CN world is that a surrender is an acknowledgement of defeat, whereas white peace is a decision by both sides not to take hostilities further.

Sometimes this is just because the sides do not want to fight anymore and an attachment of reps will not negate the fact it is a white peace in the CN sense-it is often an acknowledgement of wrongdoing without an acknowledgement of defeat.

Othertimes it is done to spare the losing alliance humiliation or as an acknowledgement that their destruction or reduction was not a primary aim in the war.

However the difference between white peace and surrender is quite a clear one. One is an end to the conflict and the other is a capitulation.

I do not know the facts of the GPF case well enough to comment. But the fact that there is no label in your declaration means this hinges of facts alone-and the fact that would have to be determined (and I have not put thought to) is whether or not the GPF capitulated to VE or not.

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You admit you have a bias. Allow me to point one out. You are assuming that "surrender" = something bad. Although I think that most people share that bias, it isn't always the case. From what little I know of this situation, GPF made a mistake and admits that much. In that case, perhaps the honorable thing to do would of been to agree to surrender.

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Technically we received offer from them, i believe anyway's this was just to stop hostilities, VE were unlikely to ever attack us as we were on offense, that's why the agreement to not further engage with their forces was from the GPF point of view.

This was in no way a surrender ask any of the VE gov for further conformation if you wish :)

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White Peace is as you defined, but you will always find somebody who attempts to twist it into a "surrender", or those who use the term simply to convince one to surrender and make doing so an easier pill for them to swallow; therefore still contradicting the definition. More often than not, dubbing WP as a surrender is used as a means to boost morale. I wouldn't waste too much energy on those who misuse the term. If somebody has to call it something else other than what it is, it only reflects on their own inadequacy.

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White Peace is as you defined, but you will always find somebody who attempts to twist it into a "surrender", or those who use the term simply to convince one to surrender and make doing so an easier pill for them to swallow; therefore still contradicting the definition. More often than not, dubbing WP as a surrender is used as a means to boost morale. I wouldn't waste too much energy on those who misuse the term. If somebody has to call it something else other than what it is, it only reflects on their own inadequacy.

Well said good sir, I think that you have summed up the point I was trying to get across in a more eloquent manner than I could have done. Thank you.

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