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An Intro to Solamnia: Part 2 (Solamnian Government 101)

Lord Boris


The government of Solamnia is one that has shifted significantly over time since the first time the country was unified, but many of the titles have maintained their traditional, if not antiquated, names.

The Executive Government of the Solamnian State

This is the part of Solamnia's government that handles all nationwide and foreign issues. It is led by the Lord Magistrate of the Realm (LMotR), a title currently occupied by Lord Boris. The LMotR traditionally has final say in any and all decisions made by the Solamnian government. The extent to which this power is used has declined somewhat over time due to the increasingly complex nature of the government and expansion of the Solamnian state. The LMotR has the authority to establish and desolve entire departments of the government on a whim, although such sweeping changes are generally made significantly more gradually, to avoid causing unnecessary instability. In the event that a new LMotR must be found due to the passing or resignation of the current one (noting that this office can not otherwise be vacated through alternative means), the next to serve shall be the person appointed by the outgoing LMotR, or shall be the longest-serving advisor to the Magistrate.

At Current, the Executive Government of the Solamnian State is as follows:

Lord Magistrate of the Realm: Lord Boris

Magistrate of Foreign Issues: Fidellos Raskolnikovos

Magistrate of the Interior: Markus Rishlen

Commissar Magistrate of the Military: Herron Lauder

Banker Magistrate of the Treasury: Richard Brinkly

All of the lesser Magistrates have numerous other officials and sub-departments working for them, ensuring that any issue of national importance can be dealt with by the Executive Government.

Local Governance

Within each of Solamnia's 33 provincial territories, regional matters are addressed by Knighthood Councils. These councils date back to the earliest known governments in the area that became the nation of Solamnia. While the members of the councils are no longer midieval knights, they still represent the backbone of authority at the provincial level. Most councils range from 3 to 9 members, with larger numbers usually being found in provinces with higher than average population and economic activity.

Council vacancies are usually filled by those appointed and approved by the rest of the council, however some provinces have alternative methods of filling vacancies since the Executive Government does not mandate any one way. In the province of Allacra near the geographic center of the country, vacancies are usually filled by successful businessmen, a practice that has seen much success in maintaining the extensive economic output of the province. Indeed, 24% of Solamnia's annual Gross Domestic Product is produced in Allacra. Four provinces (Fairpoint, Dulare, Suvall, and Caspre) all elect their councils democratically by votes of the general populous.


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