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Crap CN Names = Crappy Prospects



I have seen some shockers in my time. Usually they're portmanteaux of viral video trends, anime characters and random numbers all strung together for a fleeting romance with CN only to declare that "CN is teh crap, THEIRS NO GRAPHICS!!!!" or some other unintelligible rejoinder to an argument that was never even offered.

But it did get me thinking, Has a CN player with a crap name ever experienced success or fame in CN?

Well, not really. I can't think of anyone that did or does. The narutofan2001s and ilovehiros are never found in positions of influence, leading alliances into battle or making back room deals that doom the infrastructure of hundreds of hapless peons. Some successful ruler names may be weird, but they're definitely not crap. Heft, the leader of IRON has a weird name, but at least its original and succinct. And if you have name insecurity like some leaders (TrotskysRevenge, TheNeverender) you can always go by a pseudonym (Moo-Cows, Archon as case and point) which sound a bit better. KingSqrt is damn near unpronounceable and how can you go past a dynastic name like Van Hoo III or King Andrew IV?

My favorites have been ones that have transcended their original names and have even become abbreviated for ease of use. Tibs (Tiberivs), WCR (Working Class Ruler), Londo (Londo Mollari), DM (Dark Mistress), CJ (Commander John), JR (John Rocker), DK (Duncan King) and Haf (Haflinger) come to mind. Even memes have been made of some leaders' names, such as the current Kong Xondor meme (King Xander, Double King of TCB.) The names that seem to roll off the tongue such as Dilber or Bilrow are also quality choices - and successful alliance, nay, game-wide movers and shakers.

And if John Rocker's name isn't the best name EVER, CN or otherwise, then let my nation be damned!


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I imagine most people who make generic, crappy names are the sort of people who would never attain CN success due to lack of imagination (as exemplified in their names :v:), motivation, talent, etc., but this blog had me wondering: if somebody who was skilled and talented and whatnot made one of these crap names, how much would they be held back by it? I guess not terribly much, since, no offense to Slayer99, going by your examples you could say he has a "crap name" since it's basically the same template as narutofan2001 (something the player is a fan of + numbers) just with a different subject matter, a metal band in this case.

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but this blog had me wondering: if somebody who was skilled and talented and whatnot made one of these crap names, how much would they be held back by it?

Can't really strong-arm someone with <Narutofan1001[Alliance]> - no one will take you srs.

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I was quoted? Hooray!

But to rebut MD, but the proportion of good named leaders to crap named leaders are at least 20:1 in the "good name" category. I've dealt with a raft of &#33;@#&#036;kicker microalliance leaders in my time, and 90% of them had horrible, unimaginitive names. And $10 says that most of their start up alliances never survived.

Slayer99's case is arguably different, but unfortunately true - he uses a Slayer avatar to directly link his name to the "fandom" of Slayer. If he didn't, it could be considered borderline "OK" :P

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