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Who is Cult of Justitia



I am not looking for a response from Schatt

We both knew better. I have rearranged your post to organize it by topic.

You made some rather dashing personal attacks, but you can't demonstrate them and they don't merit response. But this is the part of your post that I most wanted to address.

I blame the entire community for your existance, you are truly the saddest, lonliest piece of souless !@#$ on this planet.

You honestly offer nothing to the community. Your are just a shell of a leader who is closely followed by a band of raving morons who worship the words that spill from your twisted, self-centric mind. You lead a true cult, it just has a stupid name.

I myself am always amused by the people who level attacks that boil down to Schattenmann is a lunatic has-been who is sad, and Cult of Justitia is a bunch of idiots that Schattenmann has hoodwinked into worshiping him. The insult is oxymoronic to begin with, but it is simply put laughable.

To demonstrate once and for all (I say "once and for all" but we know some retard will repeat these insults again, probably while I'm still typing, but let's hope!) the fallacy of this idiotic argument, I have made a list of everyone who has been a member of CoJ (applicants who were rejected are not included) and what their backgrounds were:

Valerius (PresidentKent) NADC: Senator; GATO: Congressman, MoFA

Frederick Bulshara

Sarah Tintagyl NSO: Minister of Propaganda; Noted CNRPer

Freelance____r The Coven




Angela Spencer

Biff Webster GPA: President, Minister of Membership Compliance; Red Dawn: Red Senator


sirdeclan NPO: Tech Corps manager; ACID: Triumvirate


Hyperbad GPA: Director of Communications

Vic Boss

Jonathan Brookbank GGA: Triumvirate; Vox Populi: Founder (JB did a bunch of other stuff, but he didn't list it in his application)

zarophel (Francesca) MCXA: MoFA; Vox Populi: MCXA sleeper


Jack The Ripper

Vince Sixx

Sitethief Fok: Vice President, MoFA; TOP: Knight Hospitaler, Heptagonist

Subtleknifewielder Second most posts on the OWF


Zoot Zoot

ImperatorAzenquor TAB: High Magistrate

Gran TTK: Elder Council







ITDA (Il Terra Di Agea)


Don Chele GPA: Director of Communications, MoFA


BaronOfBeef GPA: President, Minister of Membership Compliance

Zarfef NSO: Marauder of War

Generalissimo ODN: Second Secretary General of the ODN

Markus Wilding

Lord Rav Greenland Republic: Triumvirate; GPA: MoFA, Dir of the Academy

Earogema (MegaAros) \m/: MoFA, Minister of Finance; TORN: Minister of Recruitment; Vox Populi: Senator, Founder

daggarz Nemesis: Triumvirate; Elysium: Chief Ambassador; TPF: MoC; Rapture: MoD; IPA: Senator

that-one-place ARES: DoD; Nemesis: Triumvirate

Yawoo ODN: Senates 13, 14, & 16, Secy State, MoD; MOON: Secy State, Emperor; Nemesis: Triumvirate, MoIA

Hellenica Founder of CNtel (expelled)

Duckz NPO: -classified-; Carpe Diem: Minister of Finance; The Lost World: Minister of Finance


We Are Not Alone

Crazy Crazy Honour: MoFA; Nemesis: DMoFA, DMoIA

Chancellor Patrick

Biohazard DefCon: MoFA; Gondor: DMoFA


rishnokof RoK: Triumvirate


Flyingscotsman Browncoats 1: MoFA; HPS: Founder; IAA: MoD



Stonewall Jaxon NADC: Senator; ACV: MoIA; MHA: DMoFA; Vox Populi: -classified-;

Lola Jones


Sargun TAB: MoFA; Pendulum: Consul, Regent; PIMP: King; NSO: Marauder of War, Marauder of Economics

Comrade Korey Purge: Triumvirate

Sun WuKong GPA: President, Vice President, Dir of Recruitment; Jade Confederacy: Founder; Old Guard: Triumvirate, Delegate to Citadel, Delegate to Continuum; House Atreides: Dir of Recruiting; GOP: Triumvirate; TOOL: Councillor; Bushido: Daimyo

Kahn (Durim) SSX: Founder; Browncoats: Home Minister; IAA: Academy Headmaster

Awesome Dog GPA: MoD, Vice President

bigdaddychacha ODN: Senate 36, Dep Secy State

zzzptm ACDC: MoFA, Triumvirate; BDC: President, Nueva Vida: Lord of the Interior, Lord of History; Dark Templar: MoFA

For brevity's sake, this list does not include the 31 nations who joined CoJ when Dark Nations Association merged with us, but they include the government and founders of LEN, Silence, and others.

So, when I read some gadfly like MrWuss say that CoJ is nothing more than me being "closely followed by a band of raving morons who worship the words that spill from your twisted, self-centric mind" I am insulted not personally, but on behalf of these people. Sun WuKong, Tri of Old Guard, Delegate to Citadel and Continuum worships me? Ohhhhhh dear. Three Presidents of GPA raving morons? NSO Marauders? TOOL Councillors? Senators and Congressmen of ODN, GATO, NADC, & NAAC? The Vice President of Fok?

My dear Mr Wuss, I dare say that when you insult Cult of Justitia, you insult everyone.

Cult of Justitia is not about me; it's about Justitian ideals. Look at the roster: TPF, NPO, GATO, ODN, NSO, Browncoats 1, Old Guard, RoK, Fok: all enemies of Schattenmann. These are the rulers that for 5 years have ground my nation to dust, and derided me in their time as you do now. They do not worship Schattenmann, how could they? They know his every fault, his every failing.

The Cult of Justitia--Justitia's Cult, not mine--has attracted these many men of many accomplishments by its ideals and its commitment to its ideals. But they never boast (I daresay I will get a fair scolding for boasting on their behalf) because when they enter the Temple of Justice they do so having first read and acknowledged that "This is the altar upon which you place your nation.

In the state of nature, a nation is the property only of its ruler; a ruler is accountable only to himself. As an unaligned ruler, you stand before this altar in the portico to the Temple of Justice as a wild animal.

Before you may pass the threshold, you must outline your qualifications, and verbalize your intentions, but most importantly: acknowledge your new existence as part of a body greater than your own nation, signified by an oath to the Cult"

CoJ was founded immediately upon the dissolution of Vox Populi--the point in my history at which I was more popular and more powerful than at any time before or since; therefore, the point in time at which your accusation might ring most true. And yet, out of the 40 or so Vox, only 1, just 1, came to CoJ. And for weeks we were only two. And then for months we were only 5. And for months more we were never more than 15. And so for over two years, Schattenmann the man has moved further and further from the glory days, and yet more and more men who have done greater things than I, men who've had more power than I, men who've ZI'ed me have joined Justitia's Cult. There is no Cult of Schattenmann, that time passed a long, long time ago. Justitia's Cult and Justitian ideals tower over Her Presbyter.

I am humbled with every new application, and I am reminded that this is the Cult that Justitia built. Lonely? No, I am privileged to be in the company of some of Digiterra's greatest.


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CoJ is a terrible alliance exactly because My Dear Shantamantan is horrible at telling people's characters, as evidenced by the fact that he tried to recruit me. Multiple times!

I see my alliance (FOK being mentioned). Sitethief was a spy, he spied on FOK with a multi while being in TOP. He was expelled by TOP and we almost ZI'd him. Eventually we let him get away with a simple tech fine.

AFAIK Sitethief isn't here anymore, and what's done is done. Just for future reference, if you know of a multi there's only one wise course of action, which is turning him to moderation. In fact the game rules you signed to obligate you to do so, and you can be deleted/banned for not doing it. ZI-ing and tech fines were a dumb management of that issue.

I know that mrwuss's post was nothing more than a barb to get a reaction out of you. And I find it endlessly entertaining that this blog post is the result.

I guess that you actually know that Schatt is well aware of what mrwuss was doing, and also that you know that Schatt is just exploiting that dumb taunt to make his argument. Dressing this blog entry as "a moralist falling for the bait" may work though.

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I guess that you actually know that Schatt is well aware of what mrwuss was doing, and also that you know that Schatt is just exploiting that dumb taunt to make his argument. Dressing this blog entry as "a moralist falling for the bait" may work though.

I said "this" blog post meaning its specific contents; not just "a" blog post. It's mostly for my own reasons though, so I don't expect everyone else to get it.

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[...response to Tim...]

No worries, we have no issues with CoJ. Sitethief was just a well-respected member of our allliance once, that's what made this all the more sensitive and probably the reason for Tim's response here.

I really have nothing to say about the other arguments, so carry on.

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I guess that you actually know that Schatt is well aware of what mrwuss was doing, and also that you know that Schatt is just exploiting that dumb taunt to make his argument. Dressing this blog entry as "a moralist falling for the bait" may work though.
I said "this" blog post meaning its specific contents; not just "a" blog post. It's mostly for my own reasons though, so I don't expect everyone else to get it.

I think everyone got what everyone wanted. And I had fun, too!

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ODN is actually a very decent alliance. Dunno about their ex-members but what the point I was trying to make that most players use COJ as their retirement place were they can relax after they have been exiled and burned out. The same happened with Sitethief, he went beserk, got picked up by Coj, stayed there for 1,5 year but didn't do a single tech deal and didn't fight a war until he got deleted.

Also Jonathan Brookbank is pretty terrible there is a reason why he has come so far in the worst leader ever competition.

This is going to be my last reply here.

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