The Codex
This week has seen an announcement which is both monumental and irrelevant: the public airing of the Grämlins Codex.
It's irrelevant because it is nothing but a codification and publication of our principles – we have been living by these or something very close to them since at least the inauguration of Seria's government as members back in early 2007, and probably since foundation. We have demonstrated that in our disinclination to join many offensive operations – GW3, the Unjust War, and NPO-GPA the most prominent – and our belief in that principle in reverse when we entered GW3 on the opposite side to our closest allies (MHA). We put our money where our mouth is by paying Polaris for the 'reparations', something which I'm sure is partly responsible for the relatively warm feelings towards us displayed by Polar members recently.
Many of the principles have not been explicitly put to the test – only twice have we embarked on a major war operation, and never have we been attacked. But the Codex does not restrict us, as it may at first appear, because it is just a notice of what we would do anyway.
But that said, it is monumental because of two things. First, it appears that many people did not know of our principles before, and the publication of ours may be making some of them look again at their own – although this was not our intent. And secondly, it is a statement that we live by our principles. Again, we have shown this in the past through our actions, but the Codex itself is a focus for the age-old discussion about realism vs idealism.
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