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From: Open Invitation from the SuperFriends

Rebel Virginia


But bah, a worthless Xiphy apologist isn't worth my time. I've got better things to do with my time than talk to walls.

Phew ... *wipes brow* ... I was worried you were going to continue to incorrectly recount history and rail on about all the things Xiphosis might have accomplished if he actually had power or influence. Bye.

Source: Open Invitation from the SuperFriends

I list misdeeds and crimes committed by GOD, and you continue to make excuses about how such actions were justified. Oh well, live in your blissful wonderland where Xiphy can do no wrong. But know that outside SF and XX the rest of the world disagrees, and in the end perception truly is all that matters. While Xiphy and his followers may have convinced themselves his actions were valid, many more of us find his doings to be unacceptable. Continuing to spout nonsense about why you feel yourselves to be right is not going to help you, and will only make us despise you more. SF, image is all that matters. NPO never learned that lesson, and it would appear that you haven't either.

And Krack, you asked who I am to feel I have the right to spout anything about Karma and what it stood for. Well, who I am is one of the founders of Vox Populi, which without most none of you would never have found the courage to ever move against NPO. You would do well to remember that.


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You did happen to catch the part where Krack said he didn't like Xiph, right?

Pretty much what Burnt said, but given the remarkable ability of you fellows to misunderstand anything around here, allow me to translate his words into a language that even you can understand. "You do realize that Krack is still an idiot, right?"

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Pretty much what Burnt said, but given the remarkable ability of you fellows to misunderstand anything around here, allow me to translate his words into a language that even you can understand. "You do realize that Krack is still an idiot, right?"

You claim he's some mindless Xiph follower with lines like "a worthless Xiphy apologist isn't worth my time," and "Oh well, live in your blissful wonderland where Xiphy can do no wrong." You seem to ignore the fact that he isn't. Why do you persist in being wrong?

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Pretty much what Burnt said, but given the remarkable ability of you fellows to misunderstand anything around here, allow me to translate his words into a language that even you can understand. "You do realize that Krack is still an idiot, right?"
You claim he's some mindless Xiph follower with lines like "a worthless Xiphy apologist isn't worth my time," and "Oh well, live in your blissful wonderland where Xiphy can do no wrong." You seem to ignore the fact that he isn't. Why do you persist in being wrong?

Counterpoint: You're Locke.

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You might want to catch up on the history between NSO and SF, because we've hated them before it was popular.

My remark was aimed at RV, not NSO, but your response raises another point: RV's moralism (for want of a better word) has previously been a distinguishing characteristic of his posts, and one associated with NSO (including via The Moldavi Doctrine). More recently, however, it seems that he is more interested in using his moralist platform as a justification for prosecuting old grudges, which is really no different to all the other posters out there, or to other alliances (particularly Xiph and GOD, ironically).

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My remark was aimed at RV, not NSO, but your response raises another point: RV's moralism (for want of a better word) has previously been a distinguishing characteristic of his posts, and one associated with NSO (including via The Moldavi Doctrine). More recently, however, it seems that he is more interested in using his moralist platform as a justification for prosecuting old grudges, which is really no different to all the other posters out there, or to other alliances (particularly Xiph and GOD, ironically).

And I was explaining why RV doesn't like SF, of one of many reasons. The subject was still RV, but you somehow thought it changed to the alliance. It's not very difficult to follow, unlike your next piece of baseless, agenda-driven posts that I somehow raised. More recently, however, it seems that NATO posters are targeting NSOers not for any logical or arguable reason, but simply because they're still sore about Legion. This is where I get to correctly use the word "irony", while you complain about RV's supposedly insincere agenda.

While your argument should typically be unanswerable by itself just because it's absolutely absurd, I'm used to such things and will respond. Trying to make the argument against SF and the case of morality mutually exclusive is just plain dumb. I don't even know how you get that by the numerous things brought up in public that SF has done, even just in their most recent thread. Even just by RV himself in that thread. The only thing you may debate is who else shares the guilt of their actions.

Going back through the past, we have come out against SF numerous times. We've been baited to war numerous times, and we've had our share of dealing with their leaders, especially Xiphy-poo. Our posts now are no different, and there is no reason why they should. We've had issues with practically every one of them.

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You might want to catch up on the history between NSO and SF, because we've hated them before it was popular.
My remark was aimed at RV, not NSO, but your response raises another point: RV's moralism (for want of a better word) has previously been a distinguishing characteristic of his posts, and one associated with NSO (including via The Moldavi Doctrine). More recently, however, it seems that he is more interested in using his moralist platform as a justification for prosecuting old grudges, which is really no different to all the other posters out there, or to other alliances (particularly Xiph and GOD, ironically).

It's also not like this isn't anything new RV has done. Do you recall RV's thread several months back: "Why is SuperFriends so terrible?". Yeah. RV along with the rest of NSO have thought that SuperFriends are terrible for a long time running now. So yeah. SF deserves to be rolled.

And yeah, it does seem though like you guys have turned against us after the Legion stuff, but c'est la vie.

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It's also not like this isn't anything new RV has done. Do you recall RV's thread several months back: "Why is SuperFriends so terrible?". Yeah. RV along with the rest of NSO have thought that SuperFriends are terrible for a long time running now. So yeah. SF deserves to be rolled.

Fair enough. My point was just that I don't see how that is any different to the any of the other grudges or rivalries, which only matters if one claims a moral superiority or exceptionalism for their particular cause.

And yeah, it does seem though like you guys have turned against us after the Legion stuff, but c'est la vie.

Not at all. Other than Berbers' and my responses to RV (which weren't aimed at NSO), I am not aware of any other posts targeting NSO. We don't turn against old friends that easily ;)

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Well I'm still a little sore about the whole legion thing, but they are our treaty partners and you guys took a swipe at them pretty harshly.

But I don't dislike NSO, I opened my coffers after the war and would do so again gladly. Other than RV that is, he's an idiot.

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You did happen to catch the part where Krack said he didn't like Xiph, right?

Krack lives on his own little island under the loving umbrella of Fark, who both support him and care for him and have the ability to disavow anything he says that they find politically inconvenient.

Since for all practical purposes Fark is an associate member of SF, that he doesn't like Xiph doesn't seem to hamper his posting in support of SF at almost every opportunity, or at least attack their critics with reckless abandoned.

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