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Update: My Precious

Prince Imrahil



I walk into work on Tuesday morning, and one of the first things that I see is a picture of me printed out next to a picture of Gollum (i.e. from "The Lord of the Rings" film). What really got me was that this was done by one of the managers. I have a couple of thoughts on this:

1) I'm pretty sure I could have called this harassment since this was a manager (which someone suggested I do).

2) This manager is not well liked. Most of us hate him to some degree. I'm actually one of the people that didn't, and still don't though my opinion of him is quite a bit lower now.

3) Don't worry I didn't overreact or get pissed. I just let it alone and didn't even take the pictures down (another manager did the next day). Of course the main reason I left them up was so people would see what a !@#$% this guy is. Mission: Accomplished.

4) The funniest thing was that everyone thought I had done something to this guy to piss him off.

And in case you're wondering no, I don't actually look like Gollum. I am pretty in Tolkien, which is where I guess he got the idea.


Today is April Fool's Day...which I hate. It's seriously one of the worst days of the year for me. I have a sense of humour and all, but this day has a habit of kicking my in the ass. To make matters worse, I have to work during it.

I guess my hatred of this day dates back to grade four when one of my best friends told me he was moving away. Just as the tears started flowing down my face, he said "April Fool's." It didn't really help that he was the first guy I ever had a crush on (though the crush had ended months before), but even regardless of that, I felt totally naked and like a schmuck. So yeah this day pretty much blows. We'll see how it goes...I guess.


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When I was younger I worked in a pet store with this aging hippy with terrible dry greying brown hair that hung down to the small of her back and a face with hollow cheeks and bony hands--heart of gold but you get the idea. There was a South-African kid that used to hang out in the store all the time who was about 13 and the sweetest kid in the world but had no sense of what you should or shouldn't keep to yourself. So anyway, one day me, the kid, and the lady coworker are standign around the register and he goes, "You know who you look like?" She says no, who and he continues "That one from de moovee, ehhh, with theeee magic man and de little guys." Well this lady never went anywhere but work or home so she has no idea what he's talking about and she's like what movie? I'm still trying to think but it's slowly coming to me. So, he goes on, "The one about the Lords. Lord of the Rings and you look like de one, I am thinking of the name." Well it hit me like a ton of bricks. She looked like Gollum. Dead ringer. I jumped in "Yeah, Lord of the Rings, the, uh, the Elf!"

"No," he protests, "The other one. The one that want the ring."

I try to kill him with my eyes. "Yeah. the. elf. princess. The. one. in. the. forest."

He looks at me funny as the lady sweeps her hair back, blushing, "Oh, you're so full of it! Thank you."

I put my arm on his shoulder and tell him we need to take care of something in the back of the store as I push him along.

"Listen, Gollum is hideous, you cannot tell a woman she looks like Gollum. Thank God she hasn't been to a movie since 1980."

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Petty revenge and/or a multimillion dollar harassment lawsuit is the way to go. If you go with the harassment suit, please send me like eight hundred bucks, I need a new computer bad.

This, including the part about 800 bucks, I also need a new computer.

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