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The new claim that doving upper-tier nations is bad for the game.



This is dumb. It just isn't, unless you want to argue that peace mode is bad for the game.

What's more, none of you guys complained about it when C&G did it in the TPF war.

A recap of the TPF war: C&G hit TPF, then we ordered our lower-tier nations into dove, then C&G ordered their upper-tier nations into dove.

C&G used exactly the strategy that we've been using in this war, and the reason was that they did not want to fight TOP's upper tier.

Just like we don't want to fight Umbrella's upper tier.


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That statement would have been a lot bolder if this wasn't only the second major war since Karma.

Nonetheless, there's a reason people called the TPF war the Worst War Ever.

(I didn't mind so much since we got to brickbat TPF, but a lot of people hated the war and everything about it.)

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CnG + friends = 22 alliances. One of which was an alliance of multi's, anyways..!

Its good to see that major alliances and coalitions are using pages from the Paradoxian military doctrine or a variations of it.

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Three points:

1- As others have pointed out it did wreck that war.

2- As others have pointed out we did it in response to the other side doing the reverse (throwing all their lower tiers into peace).

3- You're assuming we weren't doing it for tactical reasons and intended to leave them there for the entire war like NPO and friends are doing.

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The luxury of being on your side is that you'll never have to worry about being being curbstomped. Doing all the "tactical" stuff you want won't have any long term consequences. We pull our big nations out, we expend our assets on a war that's already been decided, with absolutely no guarantee that we won't be hit again as soon as we become a "threat." This war isn't worth sacrificing strategic resources on. They aren't coming out. You should "deal with it."

Whoever is in power will complain about peacemode. This has all happened before and will happen again.

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The luxury of being on your side is that you'll never have to worry about being being curbstomped. Doing all the "tactical" stuff you want won't have any long term consequences. We pull our big nations out, we expend our assets on a war that's already been decided, with absolutely no guarantee that we won't be hit again as soon as we become a "threat." This war isn't worth sacrificing strategic resources on. They aren't coming out. You should "deal with it."

Whoever is in power will complain about peacemode. This has all happened before and will happen again.

My favorite thing about the NPO is how they talk so much and then the Emperor ends up deciding on whatever they were promising would never happen. You'll come out. Eventually. We'll be here. :)

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Really? If they have money, they can rebuild.

Antoine, i have seen you and many, many others make this point but please tell me 1 thing.... how long would it take to rebuild say 4k tech? around 7 months if you have perfect tech sellers and the slots available (remember that those NPO nations in PM will also be used to rebuild all of NPO so they will not have perfect slot usage just for tech). so sure they can rebuild, or they can rebuild some nations that would take a month or less to rebuild...

and ya'll state NPO knows nothing about strategy. Playing into DH's strengths (i.e. their upper tier) is plain ridiculous and only an utterly incompetent moron would do that.

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