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A Quick Reminder



Yes, I know that this war has been going on for quite some time and people can be forgetful. But I assure all of the alliances currently at war with GOONS that the war is still going!

Now war is something that constantly happens to GOONS, so at times it can be difficult to differentiate actual warring from "noise" inherent in the system. To measure this we use The RUKUNU Factor. RUKUNU is a low-level rogue that has had three offensive wars on GOONS at every opportunity for more than an entire year. Using this as a baseline, we can determine that any AA with three or less offensive wars against GOONS to not be actively warring us.

As such, I would like to provide a quick reminder to the following alliances, reminding them that we are, in fact, still at war:

-CoJ (0)

-Avalon (0)

-Invicta (1)

-Legion (1)

-64Digits (2)

-TLR (3)

-ASU (3)


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It's pretty hilarious to see people whining about the 'mountains of cash' being 'dumped' on us. This is what you knew was going to happen when you fools declared on us. You can't use it as a counterpoint after talking so much !@#$ over the past month. HoT, your growth is non-existent. Warring us makes you post bug threads about negative citizens. I got a hearty laugh over that...thank you.

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Actually, honestly, I expected you guys to get less aid and produce more NS out of it. 4.3 billion is considerably more than the aidfall that vaulted MHA to sanction.

It doesn't really matter though. Really. We don't care about the horde of 5K nations that you will produce.

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Actually, honestly, I expected you guys to get less aid and produce more NS out of it. 4.3 billion is considerably more than the aidfall that vaulted MHA to sanction.

It doesn't really matter though. Really. We don't care about the horde of 5K nations that you will produce.

Perhaps you should, if all wars are to be fought in the lower tiers now, ours will be even more formidable than it is currently.

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Actually, honestly, I expected you guys to get less aid and produce more NS out of it. 4.3 billion is considerably more than the aidfall that vaulted MHA to sanction.

It doesn't really matter though. Really. We don't care about the horde of 5K nations that you will produce.

Haflinger: not caring about the lower tiers since 2011.

Sounds like an excellent recruitment catchphrase.

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God damn you all make me wish I could give myself a lobotomy. Look at how once I mention anything other than the topic at hand it gets jumped on and wrangled to the dirt like some sort of derail rodeo. We're not gaining enough NS for you to be satisfied? We're in 300 wars right now, so you can go take a running jump for all I care. Stop backpedaling with excuses for why your nations are too lazy to engage us; it's disgraceful.

The fact of the matter is that there is no shortage of targets in GOONS, but we've been given the ability to dictate the flow of battle as shown by the fact that while most of our enemies are licking their wounds and hesitating to make that decision to jump back into the fray, GOONS is quintupling your collective war output.

This is not a blog about GOONS getting aid. This is a blog about alliances that register barely above brain dead.

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I think I figured out the reason we're gaining NS

GOONS Active Offensive wars: 243

GOONS Active Defensive wars: 62

Stupid Newbie has the same amount of wars declared on GOONS as Legion does: 2.

What makes our opponents horrible? Our !@#$@#$ applicant AA attacks as many Goons as a sanctioned alliance.

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We didn't want to dogpile you.

It's that simple.

Most of our initial targets were in your alliance, so we declared on you.

They have generally speaking been destroyed, so we're moving on to other alliances.

As for Legion, you are aware that they got countered by C&G and the majority of their war mode nations are in anarchy, yes? That makes declaring war tricky.

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They have generally speaking been destroyed, so we're moving on to other alliances.

I see 15 offensive wars from your alliance with your entire top tier still in peace mode. Pray tell, how is that "moving on to other alliances"?

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As for Legion, you are aware that they got countered by C&G and the majority of their war mode nations are in anarchy, yes? That makes declaring war tricky.

Even that doesn't excuse the fact that they have as many offensive wars against GOONS as they do against NPO and MCXA.

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We didn't want to dogpile you.

It's that simple.

Most of our initial targets were in your alliance, so we declared on you.

You chose who your "initial targets" were by sending half of your alliance into peace mode.

You chose your range, just as all your compatriots chose their range. THis is all just desperate excuse making for what an utterly terrible job you all did.

As for Legion, you are aware that they got countered by C&G and the majority of their war mode nations are in anarchy, yes? That makes declaring war tricky.

We got countered by lots of people too. We currently have over 240 offensive wars, and they outnumber our defensive wars 4:1.

This either means that Legion absolutely suck at basically everything, or you guys aren't fighting us for some reason.

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We got countered by lots of people too.

Legion are currently at war with pretty much all of C&G.

That is to say, more nations than all of the alliances who hit you guys put together.

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Legion are currently at war with pretty much all of C&G.

That is to say, more nations than all of the alliances who hit you guys put together.

Let's examine that claim, just for fun.

We were attacked by

The Last Republic (28)

NAC (50)

Invicta (70)

Legion (286)

TPF (110)

Olympus (62)

NSO (88)

COJ (26)

64D (7)

Avalon (26)

753 nations

Legion have been attacked by

Athens (115)

INT (89)

LOST (66)

ODN (343)

GR (49)

662 nations

Unless I'm missing something, 753 is more than 662

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Also to say "Legion is at war with C&G" is a bit of an overstatement. The last time a Legion member declared on someone from C&G was February 20. They have more wars against None in that time.

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plus, this idea that Legion are all in anarchy and thus can't counter is at best an embroidering of the truth. They have 48 nations in anarchy, out of 84 nations in total. GOONS have 74 nations in anarchy. and four times as many offensive as defensive wars.

What's stopping Legion from stepping up their game in the offensive war department is that they have 202 nations in peace mode.

I guess what I'm saying is that they are either very bad at being an effective military alliance, or they aren't trying to be an effective military alliance.

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Put another way: With the forces arrayed against us, there is really no excuse for why your side is not forcing me to fight defensive wars. I've fought exactly 1 defensive war since the start of this conflict.

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Maybe its the recruitment your using to inflate your stats, or maybe its foolishly spending money in the middle of a war when you had !@#$%* warchests to start with?

I see them buy to 1k infra to keep buying nukes. That doesn't increase NS too much, but when we fail to keep them all down by not declaring wars, it adds up.

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