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My Personal Opinion on the LoSS (DT) - CSN (Legacy) Front

xR1 Fatal Instinct


To start off, DT's and (though I can't be sure) CSN's moral are both very high. Both are thinking they can win. Though we've had little spats (OWF and on IRC), we still respect CSN greatly.

When CSN had their forums hacked I was appalled. No one in DT has the skills to hack a forum. So my suspicion of it being anyone in DT was shot down right there. I was even more shocked when someone threatened Liz OOC. For someone to say they have your info and are going to go to your place of housing and "beat some sense into you" is far over the line. If anyone in DT has done this I have lost all respect for them and will push for their removal and ZI at DT's + CSN's discretion. I wish those of whom are trying to track this subject down the best of luck.

Our members are strong willed and love to speak their mind. While we strongly disapprove of them continuing... pissing matches, for lack of better words. (Myworld and Carta have both told members to stay off of the OWF) My understanding from Jacobia is that at first their membership was strongly opposed to the high rep demands, but now from what our members have posted on the OWF their views are different. I am sincerely sorry for the actions of some DT members towards LoSS, CSN, Legacy, and GOD.

My personal opinion on the rep demands is indifferent. While I think the rep demands are rather high, I don't see them as being "unjust." Perhaps if there was a lower demand on the table from the get go we would be peaced out at this moment, but not everything goes as planned. I hope we can come to a decent conclusion on this front soon.


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Maybe I'm missing something, but why do ppl keep saying CSN's forums were hacked? Seams much more likely to be a leak from a member imo.

nah, their forums were hacked though i will let CSN expand on that if they so wish, as it is not my place.

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Seems there's a lot of this recently. People taking CN outside of the game is a joke.

Hope you didn't lose too much sleep over some geeky !@#$%* on the internet threatening you, Liz.

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Seems there's a lot of this recently. People taking CN outside of the game is a joke.

Hope you didn't lose too much sleep over some geeky !@#$%* on the internet threatening you, Liz.

HEY! Stop Right There, Buck-o!


That's what happened to the last person who thought CN was a joke. Don't let it be you next. :mad:

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To be fair, it's not so much DT's fault (obviously when regarding the OOC threats, hackings, etc.) as it is all of these events converging all at once, making for a pretty petty and charged atmosphere. But s'all good, we don't hate DT in the least bit, just a !@#$storm of awful timing and clashing egos makes it seem that way.

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This is terrible. Why would someone want to go that low. especially to a female.

I don't see why being a woman makes it worse. I'm sure it would be totally wrong for people to make OOC threats to a man as well.

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I don't see why being a woman makes it worse. I'm sure it would be totally wrong for people to make OOC threats to a man as well.

what kind of chivalrous internet knight are you bob

i'll be talking to Impero about stripping your internet knighthood

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What the heck? There is no place for reason in this battle, XR1. What are you trying to do?

Thank you for what you said. I sincerely hope this gets resolved. For the record, I was also threatened in a way I had already told the nation would have OOC effects and it was someone within DT (it was not physical violence, or anything cloes). I'm not naming names, because it's silly and didn't come to fruition, but definitely it's a time for cooler heads. I honestly wish we'd figure out some silly kind of terms that everyone can agree to and is maybe a little degrading for DT (but not long-term or costly) and doesn't reward CSN. Everyone has already paid in the course of war and, frankly, there a number of ways we could allow a surrender that would adequately demonstrate our position without taking too much wind out of DT's sails.

It's time for some creativity, folks.

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For the record, I was also threatened in a way I had already told the nation would have OOC effects and it was someone within DT (it was not physical violence, or anything cloes). I'm not naming names, because it's silly and didn't come to fruition, but definitely it's a time for cooler heads.

For the record? I mean, you would think you would provide some evidence, right? Listen, either provide some evidence so DT can take care of it or quit with the accusations that we've made OOC threats. It's getting a bit ridiculous.

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For the record? I mean, you would think you would provide some evidence, right? Listen, either provide some evidence so DT can take care of it or quit with the accusations that we've made OOC threats. It's getting a bit ridiculous.

I have to agree. If you're going to go "for the record" then you'd better be naming names. Otherwise, what's the point of going on the record? If you truely considered it a silly nothing, you wouldn't have mentioned it.

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