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Shanks a lot.

Alfred von Tirpitz



Today i get a call from my old mum. Asking me why she got three wall posts and one PM from some unknown on her farmville id in FB, asking if I have shown her my scars and asked her to behold my commitment? How often do i show her my scars and stuff like that. Then she asked me what an emo is.

My boss asked me the same thing about scars. He got it from FB too.

The sad part is, only good friends of mine know of my secret identity off world from CN. Or should i say, those i thought of as good friends. Did your perception of me as a friend change when i moved to an alliance not in your orbit? Or did you blab when you were not supposed to, and let some unsavory lulzers in on the FB handle of mine?

I dont care why you did it, or what you thought you would achieve by it. I shall tell you what you 'did' achieve; you made an already bored/antsy 36 yr old even more eager to be away from this cess pit.

Shanks a lot.


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Let me know if any of them live in my area. I'll be happy to give them an "OOC" visit. :ph34r:

Please don't sink to their level. I would hope that such things become bannable offenses if they go too far, but it'd go a further OOC level, where people would try to find evidence of an "OOC attack" to try to get banned.

I may disagree with some people in CN. I'd talk !@#$ about them all day. But in the end, I still consider all my IC opponents as friends OOC. If everyone were on the same side, there would be no 'game'. Enemies make the game interesting, win or lose. Hate them all you want, it's part of the drama. But please respect their personal lives.

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Those of you who are talking of settling it, by taking it out back. I understand where you are coming from and it was my first reaction as well. However, as no longer a teenager and a man with a family and responsibilities and a preference for not causing further harassment to my family and friends, i believe my chosen method is better.

Their nose crushed under my fist would be but a momentary satisfaction, and i cannot keep flying to the US or where-ever they are every time they create a new account on facebook.

The sad part really is losing the belief i had carefully nurtured of the average CN player being above the 'Halo Teen' mindset.

All i can say to the person/persons doing this is, "get a clue, its a game, which you supposedly play to have a good time. If this is your idea of a good time, then you need help".

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Please don't sink to their level. I would hope that such things become bannable offenses if they go too far, but it'd go a further OOC level, where people would try to find evidence of an "OOC attack" to try to get banned.

I may disagree with some people in CN. I'd talk !@#$ about them all day. But in the end, I still consider all my IC opponents as friends OOC. If everyone were on the same side, there would be no 'game'. Enemies make the game interesting, win or lose. Hate them all you want, it's part of the drama. But please respect their personal lives.

If they want respect in their personal lives, then they should consider respecting others' lives first. kthxbai.

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Absolutely ridiculous that anyone would stoop this low. I'm really sorry to hear that someone did this to you. If you find out who they are before you leave, just post their nation links on your way out, and I think you'll find the community will handle the rest. :)


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Ridiculous behaviour. What's surprising is that regardless of your AA, you're certainly not the kind of poster that would incite this level of OOC torment. I hope you find out who it is and that they are dealt with swiftly.

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I've heard of this on both sides of the aisle. Some people take this game far, far too seriously. Death threats, forum hackings, and contacting IRL family / coworkers of players is unacceptable.

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Well it's the fact that now people have to think twice about what they do over a game for fear of RL reprisals happening. That's just awful, there does come a time when people become so disgusting within a game that it's not worth playing it anymore for fear of what could happen outside of it. And that's just plain wrong. I wouldn't be opposed to people policing and looking into things like this, from a CN perspective, and find a way to take this up to higher authorities.

Messing with someone's life outside of this game and playing under constant fear of them doing so is just sickening. Good luck AvT, glad you're taking the right approach to this.

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I called 999, but I wasn't sure whether this was a job for the police or if I should call in the special forces. What is certain is that nothing as bad as this has ever happened and we need to beat people up in real life.

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Disgusting. In all my days I've never before seen such a blatant disregard for the feelings and lives of others. I hope that something terrible befalls whomever is responsible for this.

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Stuff like this could be prevented if forum admins went through their lists every now and then and deleted those accounts that have been inactive for 'X' days. (Sixty sounds good to me. Others might disagree.)

Quite apart from stopping the IC/OOC line from being crossed, it could also help prevent in-game spying to some extent. (How many times have you heard of ex-members of an alliance who still had full forum access? Lots? Yeah, me too.)

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