Welcome ...
... to the press briefing room of the SNC! This is the public face of Seria's news and politics team, giving you an update on national and international news and a bunch of opinion on current events!
Of course the most important thing to hit the papers recently is the Härmlin Accords, showing the world how close we are to our friends over at the MHA. Our first MDP, signed two years ago on the 5th November 2006, has lasted through four major wars, three of which saw us take different choices. Its greatest test was GW3, when we fought on opposite sides. But through it all, we have been true to each other, and now everyone can see the love.
The 5th November was also supposed to be an important date for Vox Populi, but nothing ever materialised from them. While their movement lives on, it is now mostly fighting on the forums and not on the battlefield. With most of the intellectual force on the other side, they'll have a tough time winning there, too.
In breaking news the MHA protectorate United Alliance has disintegrated in a farcical display, with former president Jack the Great being couped over an attempt to merge into the MHA, then disbanding the alliance and joining MHA. The issue is not yet completely resolved but the unfortunate ZI orders on members of UA attempting to help the alliance will probably not last.
Elsewhere, amid the usual flood of PIAT and ODP signings, a really interesting one has emerged in the shape of Agora, an economic treaty between the NPO and its blue team allies – old (MCXA and Echelon) and new (LoSS and NADC). It is largely innocuous but its Senate clause has caused some controversy, as it may lead it into conflict (again) with BLEU, who also elect a Blue team senator.
In national news, Seria continues to grow in peace, protected by the ever increasing power of the Grämlins. Festivities for Foundation Day (3rd Nov) coincided with the Härmlin signing, leading to a full week of national celebration and reduced output, but the workers are now back in the factories and production is back to normal.
Finally, if you want to put questions to the SNC, please post them in the comments. I'll answer a selection of them (if anyone bothers to ask )
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