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Dear MK-hating community



Please stop asking me if we're going to force the New Pacific Order to disband or keep them in perpetual war. I'm tired of those questions. Let me explain why you are silly. Keep in mind that I am only a baron in the Mushroom Kingdom, and I am nowhere near in the loop for government decisions and what I say might quite possibly be countered by what the alliance actually does.

Actually, that's the first reason you're silly. I don't know all of what the government is seeking. Take a look at the majority posting from people with the Mushroom Kingdom affiliation. They're not government either. Sometimes it seems like the government and the people are of one mind, but let's face it: most of my comrades are idiots, and the government of the Mushroom Kingdom is filled with people whose faces are constantly red not from embarrassment, but from constant facepalming.

The next reason you are silly: thinking we'd force NPO to disband. That's hilarious. What would the Mushroom Kingdom do without a New Pacific Order? We'd collapse, eating our our members just to live until we eventually whither and fade away. We don't want that. We want to continue having fun. We need a rival, plain and simple. My alliance mates probably won't agree. Oh well. I rather like the idea of two immortals standing opposed to each other for the rest of eternity.

Guess I'm a romantic like that.

Plus, I know the NPO. I've been pitted against them my entire life in this world. They're just as likely to disband as we are. We can't make them disband, and it's an outright shame if we try. People are stupid if they think it would happen.

Perpetual warfare was tossed around, too. In the long run, that hurts us. No alliance can keep a front open forever, eventually there is nothing to grind into dust. And, if there is another incident we get involved in, we have to divide our forces. It's just not a good idea.

Yeah, we initiated an offensive attack. It was preemptive only in the fact that we didn't want NPO to rise to power again. It wasn't preempting an imminent NPO attack. Suck it up. Fight. No matter the winner, you got the wake-up call. The community has been spurred to discussion and action.

You're welcome.


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