I'm curious about something. What motivates people to project their insecurities onto others? The answer to this question is pretty obvious. People project their short comings onto others because what else can they do? Facing those weaknesses seems the logical thing to do, but if you ask me it seems like to much hard work. I guess I'm tired of seeing people project their real life short comings onto each other here on planet Bob.
For example:
short napoleon's syndrome dude: Yeaaaaah dawg you going down now.
Random dude: WTF you nuked me?
Shawty: Welp it is like this.. not only did I nuke you, I'm gonna do it again tomorrow and some of my alliance mates are gonna hop on the bandwagon with me.
Random dude: !#$@#@#$@#$@#$@#$@$@#$#@$@#$
Power is a very dangerous, but also very real thing here on Planet Bob. I've seen way to many people exerting their power as alliance leaders just because they can. I've seen way to many people seemingly taking joy at the idea others are feeling discomfort or anger. While I admit this game isn't designed to make everyone happy all the time I do believe that such abuse of personal power tends to take away from the game for those who are abused and those who are the abusers.
By no means do I say we ought to not fight wars. War is what makes Planet Bob an interesting place. War is what makes Planet Bob worth bothering with in the first place.
But the next time one of you feels like getting your rocks off on smashing someone just to feel good about yourself take a look in the mirror and ask, "Is it absolutely necessary that I do this or am I just trying to please some personal urge?"
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