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Wars... 1/25/2011 (End of Day 9 and Day 2)

Jharius II





Very boring update...

You spied... NO YOU Conflict (END OF DAY 9)

How is this connected... Conflict(END OF DAY 2)


-----You spied... NO YOU Conflict-----


VE = Viridian Entente

PC = Poison Clan


MN = Misfit Nations


SLCB = Seaworthy Liberian Cardboard Boxes

RnR = RnR

CMEA = Councils for Militaristic and Economic Assistance

GOD = Global Order of Darkness

Hyd = Hydra

Ath = Athens

Tet = Tetris

INT = The International

ODN = Orange Defense Network

Brig = The Brigade

GO = Guru Order

CRAP = Coalition of Royal Allied Powers

TTK = The Templar Knights

CSN = Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations

Leg = Legacy

Spar = Sparta

NEAT = Nations Empowered Against Totalitarianism

Hool = Hooligans


GRUE = Grand Revolution of Unearthly Evil

Brain = The Brain

Arg = Argent

LSF = Libertarian Socialist Federation

Umb = Umbrella

DICE = Deck of International Card Experts

AO = Alpha Omega

DF = Darkfall



NpO = New Polar Order

tLW – The Lost World

UPN = United Purple Nations

FAR = Federation of Allied Republics

TIO = The Imperial Order

USN = United Sovereign Nation

IAA = Imperial Assault Alliance

TKTB = The Killer Turtle Brigade

RoK = Ragnarok

57th = 57th Overlanders

TCU = The Conservative Underground

UINE = Union of Integrated National Entities

STA = Siberian Tiger Alliance

GEN = Genesis

ARES = Ascended Republic of Elite States

LoSS = League of Small Superpowers

GATO = Gobal Alliance and Treaty Organization

DRAGON = Down Right Awesome Group of Nations

Meno = Menotah

EXO = Exodus

\m/ = \m/

MCXA = Multicolored Cross-X Alliance

THL = The Hanseatic League (Declares Peace)

GDA = Global Democratic Alliance

BTA = Blue Turtle Alliance

NV = Nueva Vida

KoH = Kingdom of Hyrule

CCC = Christian Coalition of Countries

TFD = The Foreign Division

TNG = The New Guy

NATIO = North Atlantic Treaty Organization

GLoF = Grand Lodge of Freemasons

Colo = Colossus

Quant = Quantum

WAPA = We Are Perth Army



RIA - Random Insanity Alliance


-----How is this connected... Conflict-----

NPO and ...

NPO = New Pacific Order


Doomhouse and friends

GOON = Goon Order of Oppression, Negligence and Sadism (GOONS)

Umb = Umbrella

MK = Mushroom Kindgdom

FAN = Federation of Armed Nations

\m/ = \m/


Recommended Comments

1: Do we really need three of these?

2: You double posted this. Click "edit" and set this thing as a draft to get rid of it.

3: Spamming up the blog roll with 3 of the same thing knocks some actually interesting blogs out of the most recent list.

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1: Do we really need three of these?

2: You double posted this. Click "edit" and set this thing as a draft to get rid of it.

3: Spamming up the blog roll with 3 of the same thing knocks some actually interesting blogs out of the most recent list.

I am sorry about that but I didn't know editing the blog would make a seperate one by changing the name.

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Thank you, my favourte warmap this time round, keep up the good work.

As for connected, umb is on both STA and NPO, there's your link :D

Yeah but Doomhouse attacked an alliance that was not connected to the War as of date.

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