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Mid-Game Crisis

King Wally


So I log on.... somewhere vaguely around 600 + days of gameplay and realised I couldn't remember why I was playing this game anymore. It had become so sanatised and void of war I was feeling like I was lost. Everything is about solid CB's (aparently cause you don't like someones ideal's isn't enough anymore?)... only entering war's that are against the "right" side of treaty webs...not wanting to offend allys of allys of allys etc.... spend little save sensible... I snapped.

Some rage quit... others make a OWF post blaming admin... i saw a small light in a DOW by the Brotherhood of Steel this same day. Finally someone else that seams to get it...even if he was a one man band. Well so the rest will pan out as it does hopefully .... no doubt with a lot of burnt pixels and a pile of laughs, but hey at least the game feels real again. :rolleyes:


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Thanks Mate... and Schatt yeah I spent the last 500 days in Ragnarok... a great great AA... I have no doubt I'll end up back there one day once I find my game head again. (hopefully they will have me back! :wub: )

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Yes, at some point the game snapped and the only valid CB for an aggressive war became arguing that the other guy was plotting to kill you.

This is one of the many ways in which CN is rather unrealistic.

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I've been around for 1600+ days and know exactly what you are talking about. I just can't bring myself to delete, even though the fun left the game a long time ago. Inertia is the most powerful force in the universe.

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yeah ive played TE non-stop since i started...it keeps me sane normally.

Tell the truth theres something hollow about fighting a war without your alliance mates. I think im realising this now ... its more then just war I need... its the drive to defend the alliance etc.

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