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The American Revolution (to me)



For all the antagonistic behavior many of you have seen me exhibit about the West, I actually do appreciate the American Revolution.

To me the American Revolution isn't a cookie cuttered story, it's layered and if you don't dig into the Revolution itself you'll always develop your ideas of what the Revolution was in a very skewed manner. The Revolution, in essence, was founded by the people themselves. Not a few men like Jefferson and Washington but the people who desired change from what was perceived to be a tyrannical rule. To give the power to the people to have the government serve the populace rather than to further the interest of a select few in power. To not only protect the people but to empower them as well. Yes, this is far off from reality today in many cases but the ideas presented I'll forever remember. The Revolution is still ongoing and it's being attacked internally, externally and in every direction. Jefferson said that this will always happen and that the wisdom of the people, no matter how bleak it all is, will keep everything together. Such an optimistic viewpoint for such a fragile concept.


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