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you're going down, Burnsey!



I challenge you to a duel at update. Don't chicken out on me, I've had enough of your !@#$.


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I don't have factories and my alliance is forbidding me to fight you. :(

Your infra is safe for now you insidious little scum laden piece of trash, you ain't worth going rogue for.

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I don't have factories and my alliance is forbidding me to fight you. :(

Your infra is safe for now you insidious little scum laden piece of trash, you ain't worth going rogue for.

Is this a 'I'll see you in two years' type thing, or what?

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pro-Auctor :D

Not surprised...We've always had this love hate relationship...I promise, I want to work on it. I WANT this to work. Stop on by #Colossus and we'll re-kindle it.

I don't have factories and my alliance is forbidding me to fight you. :(

Your infra is safe for now you insidious little scum laden piece of trash, you ain't worth going rogue for.

Tooraloo $%^&@#. I'll see you soon ;)

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I don't have factories and my alliance is forbidding me to fight you. :(

Your infra is safe for now you insidious little scum laden piece of trash, you ain't worth going rogue for.

Forbidding you? what kind of crock of !@#$ is that? You call the guy out on your blog, he replies and thats your excuse? You wasted dam near 3 minutes of my time, I was hoping for a 7 day bile fest of nonsense.

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Forbidding you? what kind of crock of !@#$ is that? You call the guy out on your blog, he replies and thats your excuse? You wasted dam near 3 minutes of my time, I was hoping for a 7 day bile fest of nonsense.

you need to find better things to do with your life.

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you need to find better things to do with your life.

Nah, you were worth the 3 minutes, I would have invested a full 10 to watch you make a bigger fool of yourself had you not given some !@#$%^&* excuse not to execute your challenge/threat.

"next time you're going to shoot, shoot! Don't talk about it" Tuco (the ugly)

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Nah, you were worth the 3 minutes, I would have invested a full 10 to watch you make a bigger fool of yourself had you not given some !@#$%^&* excuse not to execute your challenge/threat.

"next time you're going to shoot, shoot! Don't talk about it" Tuco (the ugly)

I would suggest that if this was worth three minutes of your time, that'd be an indicator that your time isn't worth very much and you have an awful lot more to be disappointed with than that monkeys like me won't dance for you.

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I don't have factories and my alliance is forbidding me to fight you. :(

Your infra is safe for now you insidious little scum laden piece of trash, you ain't worth going rogue for.

Then why make the blog? Is your attention quota filled now?

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