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Something we can all agree on.



The Prolific Empire

I'm not one to talk when it comes to picking between 2 individuals since I'm usually biased. However, in this particular instance I would have given the benefit of any doubt to my long time second in command instead of the "new" kid on the Bloc. I don't know about you, but for me it's all a matter of trust. Now, if you trust a "24 day member" over a tenured government member, that's your prerogative; one which is in my opinion---a foolish idea.

Can anyone tell me what XR1 past is, specifically? I knew the guy was bad news but obviously it was worse than what I presumed.

Cult of Justitia

To be honest regardless of how illogical you thought Teddyo's demands were I would've told XR to take a hike; he thinks he's done more than you, and he's not going to be loyal to you.


xR1 was the guy who said that Airme hated CnG while a member of Athens gov.

Just sayin...

SOS Brigade

So, xR1's an idiot.

/me pokes his head out the window.

Yup, sky's still blue. I found this especially funny after xR1 said I'm running my alliance into the ground. Irony, you are a cruel mistress. :v:


I thought it was common knowledge that xR1 has no place in ANY government. Ever...

Brotherhood of Steel

The knowledge that Battalion and xR1 are bad leaders isn't new but thanks for the news.

The German Empire

Haha I will have to echo what everyone is saying about xR1. Just wait Teddyyo you will get to say I told you so eventually :smug:


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Though admittedly xR1 has always been a bad leader and a bad player.

Mushroom Kingdom

Anyone who puts xR1 in a seat of power is just asking for trouble. Please carry on all, this is fantastic.

Poison Clan

xR1 is bad news Battalion; a cancer he is, good luck with that.

I am not surprised this has happened. Both Battalion and xR1 are both terrible leaders and terrible things will happen with them two around.


Glad XR1 is in some !@#$%* alliance that isn't on black this time; at least we don't have to deal with his immaturity and nonsense in NOIR anymore.

Viridian Entente

Teddyyo and Batt have been together for a long time, through other worlds other than this one. That he would cast Tedd aside for someone like xR1, who will undoubtedly prove in the end to be a disloyal piece of trash, shows more about Batt than it does about xR1. Everyone knows xR1 is trash, I personally had higher opinions of Batt before this.

I welcome anyone who wants to attack Teddyyo to please do so. He is officially under protection of the Viridian Entente. I also welcome anyone who wants to roll xR1, you may have an unlikely friend in this.


Leaving an alliance which has swat/xr1 in government is always a good decision as well.

Killer Turtle Brigade

I love waking up to news like this. Bat and xR1 are made for each other.

Congrats to Teddyyo.



I don't even feel humored by this situation anymore, I just feel a big sense of pity.


xR1 - most hated CN player, and all round dumbass. imo

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When I first saw "Brotherhood of Steel," it took me a second to realize you didn't mean xR1. :v:

But yes, I'm pretty sure everyone short of Batallion and xR1 agree on this matter.

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When I first saw "Brotherhood of Steel," it took me a second to realize you didn't mean xR1. :v:

Yeah, the way the blog front page strips quote blocks makes this blog post look kinda funny.

I did in no way plan that effect in order to trick people intro reading this blog. No sirree. ;)

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When I first saw "Brotherhood of Steel," it took me a second to realize you didn't mean xR1. :v:

But yes, I'm pretty sure everyone short of Batallion and xR1 agree on this matter.

BoS is a wasted alliance and should disband.

I started to laugh at Bat's incompetence before it was cool.

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I started to laugh at Bat's incompetence before it was cool.

When was that?

We were laughing at swat/xr1 in Invicta in 2008. To be fair, he was actually a member of our alliance (he left because we wouldn't put him in gov) so we had close-up exposure to him early.

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When was that?

We were laughing at swat/xr1 in Invicta in 2008. To be fair, he was actually a member of our alliance (he left because we wouldn't put him in gov) so we had close-up exposure to him early.

Bat =/= xr1

I was laughing at Bat since GRAN.

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Bat =/= xr1

Yah I know. The two sentences are not precisely connected. Most of us here in Invicta don't really know much about Bat except for "Oh he's the guy who put xr1 into government, lolwut."

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Yah I know. The two sentences are not precisely connected. Most of us here in Invicta don't really know much about Bat except for "Oh he's the guy who put xr1 into government, lolwut."

Ah, misreading on my part. Do you remember the Triple break off flank attack guy?

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When was that?

We were laughing at swat/xr1 in Invicta in 2008. To be fair, he was actually a member of our alliance (he left because we wouldn't put him in gov) so we had close-up exposure to him early.

I still wondering where you get half the stuff that comes out of your mouth about me.

I left because I wanted to and wanted to see what other alliances were out there.

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