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The mercy board and the EoG list: Myth vs Reality



One of the largest misconceptions about GOONS is the function and nature of the mercy board. I would like to take the time to dispel any myths and misconceptions about the mercy board. I have created two flowcharts to help illustrate my points.

Consider this chart as you read on:


Myth: All tech raided nations must go through the mercy board to secure peace.

Reality: The mercy board is one of many options a raid target has, it is a path rarely taken. There are two options for those in AAs, they can complete terms for themselves, or harder terms for their entire AA. This will put the entire AA on the no-raid list.

Myth: The mercy board is designed to embarrass people

Reality: The mercy board is designed so that nations have an alternative to paying money to secure their peace. It is for the benefit of our enemies that we have the mercy board, or else we wouldn't have any way to solve our differences besides monetary means.

Myth: The mercy board is the worst thing ever

Reality: The mercy board can be fun for everyone involved, if you try not to take things so seriously. It just requires a little humility and work on your part.

I would also like to dispel a misconception about the EoG list, please consider the following:


Myth: The EoG list is a PZI list.

Reality: The EoG list is not a PZI list. First of all, if you delete, we have no intention of following you, unless you do something to put yourself on the list again. Secondly, we don't care if you're at zero infrastructure or not, somebody might be at it, somebody else might not. ZI is completely independent of the function of the list, if somebody plays their cards right, they can get off the list before hitting ZI, using the aforementioned path. Thirdly, we don't order people to attack the individuals on the list, they can attack them at any time at their own leisure.

I hope this has been informative, please post any further questions you might have in the comments and I will address them.


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Also, no one answered my question. How many other alliances offer their raided targets a way to permanent peace?

Most offer the same kind of peace that you do. Most allow "PM for peace" to get a raided target on a no-raid list for that particular alliance.

This isn't permanent peace though, really. As you may be aware, there are dozens of raiding alliances, and getting raided by each of them, especially in a GOONS-style triple team for seven days each, is not healthy for a nation.

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Most offer the same kind of peace that you do. Most allow "PM for peace" to get a raided target on a no-raid list for that particular alliance.

This isn't permanent peace though, really. As you may be aware, there are dozens of raiding alliances, and getting raided by each of them, especially in a GOONS-style triple team for seven days each, is not healthy for a nation.

Roger, I Don't know how other raiding alliances deal with this. I like the idea of not only peacing out with a raided nation but giving them permanent peace from our alliance.

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Roger, I Don't know how other raiding alliances deal with this. I like the idea of not only peacing out with a raided nation but giving them permanent peace from our alliance.

Yes, the problem comes in when raiding alliances act like you do and require the raided nation to fight for 7 days against a tripleteam and then register on your forums in order to get peace from one alliance.

At a week per raiding alliance, that's going to take at least a year of constant tripleteams. Collecting in anarchy for a year isn't really going to work, the raided nation is going to delete.

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As some one who has done a lot of work in recruiting/admissions, I have found that GOONS have done well in peacing out with nations once they join the applicant AA.

and the one time I've had to request peace for a nation once they joined the applicant AA of my alliance at the time it was rejected. Flow chart needs a bullet point saying that some or all stages are dependent on how much GOONS likes you sorry.gif

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Yes, the problem comes in when raiding alliances act like you do and require the raided nation to fight for 7 days against a tripleteam and then register on your forums in order to get peace from one alliance.

At a week per raiding alliance, that's going to take at least a year of constant tripleteams. Collecting in anarchy for a year isn't really going to work, the raided nation is going to delete.

Well then these nations might want to make some friends if we're not the only Alliance raiding them.

Now regardless of other alliances raiding the same targets we might of raided. If said nation does go through the mercy board they will be protected from us at least.

To me that sounds like a good thing. They might meet people they may not of before and learn more about the game and the "politics" that runs it.

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So... I just had a look at nato12's thread on the Mercy Board. I'm pretty sure he's a minor. Do you guys feel it's appropriate to post, well, images of nude men on a forum where you require under-18 people to register?

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So... I just had a look at nato12's thread on the Mercy Board. I'm pretty sure he's a minor. Do you guys feel it's appropriate to post, well, images of nude men on a forum where you require under-18 people to register?

Hay mom, I need to do a report on the White House I'm going to look online. "whitehouse.com".

Damn it's been changed how long ago I don't know.


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and the one time I've had to request peace for a nation once they joined the applicant AA of my alliance at the time it was rejected. Flow chart needs a bullet point saying that some or all stages are dependent on how much GOONS likes you sorry.gif

That's possible, but depending on how long ago that was, it could have been simply a different standard at the time. We really do try to administer our policies uniformly.

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Your point being that people who post pornographic images in areas where minors are encouraged to view them get shut down by the FBI?

The site wasn't shutdown by the FBI the man took it down himself because even he knew how easy it was for a minour to find the site.

My point being, it's rather easy for children to find porn without trying. So to bring that up as an argument against the mercy board is rather trite. Also after looking at the nato12 thread again myself, I do not see an images that I would say were pornographic.

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