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LANCE (Libertarian & Anarchist Non-aggression, Coordination, & Economic Assistance) Pact




Libertarian & Anarchist Non-aggression, Coordination, & Economic Assistance Pact

I. Libertarian & Anarchist Non-Aggression

The non-aggression principle (also called the non-aggression axiom, or the anti-coercion or zero aggression principle) is an ethical stance which asserts that "aggression" is inherently illegitimate. "Aggression" is defined as the "initiation" of physical force against persons or property, the threat of such, or fraud upon persons or their property. In contrast to pacifism, the non-aggression principle does not preclude defense. The principle is a deontological (or rule-based) ethical stance.

Rothbard described the axiom as such,

“No one may threaten or commit violence ('aggress') against another man's person or property. Violence may be employed only against the man who commits such violence; that is, only defensively against the aggressive violence of another. In short, no violence may be employed against a non-aggressor. Here is the fundamental rule from which can be deduced the entire corpus of libertarian theory.”

Member alliances shall not take aggressive actions, military or otherwise, against other member alliances. Member alliance recognize tech raiding to be an unjustified initiation of aggression against another nation and agree to refrain from the practice themselves. Those who tech raid are committing unjustified acts of aggression and can be attacked without violating the non-aggression principle to prevent them from causing further acts of violence against non-aggressors.

II. Cooperation & Economic Assistance

Signatories agree to cooperate with each other in trade deals, senate matters and technology trading. Signatories agree to consider any requests for military or economic assistance, although this remains optional. A designated forum will be setup for LANCE to coordinate military action and trade.

III. Membership & Amendments

Alliances seeking membership require unanimous agreement of current signatories and an alliance can be removed from LANCE with a 2/3 majority vote of current signatories. Alliances wishing to remove their signature from this document can do so with 48 hour advance notice. This treaty can be modified with unanimous agreement of all signatory alliances.

Signed for Kerberos Nexus,

Methrage, Nexus Sovereign

Nicholai, Cobra Commander

Signed for Rebel Virginia,

Rebel Virginia of Rebel Virginia

Signed for Stahl Land,

Bavaricar of Stahl Land


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What does "fraud" mean in the first article? I mean, leaving it ambiguous like that certainly gives you flexibility, but if you're defining aggression, you need to be more careful. With the three options you have there, you are bound to have left something out that very well could warrant an aggressive (but still justified) action. You could even make the argument that a period of stagnant peace warrants some sort of aggressive "fixing" of the peace, on the basis that having a particular type of war would keep people around.

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What does "fraud" mean in the first article? I mean, leaving it ambiguous like that certainly gives you flexibility, but if you're defining aggression, you need to be more careful. With the three options you have there, you are bound to have left something out that very well could warrant an aggressive (but still justified) action. You could even make the argument that a period of stagnant peace warrants some sort of aggressive "fixing" of the peace, on the basis that having a particular type of war would keep people around.

Fraud can refer to ripping someone off on a tech deal, not paying back money loaned to you, if you pay someone to trade with you a specific amount of time and they agree, then break the agreement it would be fraud. Basically if both parties agree to something, then one of them doesn't uphold the agreement and the other has already upheld their end of the deal.

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Did you seriously just start a one member bloc?

Its not really a bloc until more people sign, but I posted here so those who agree with libertarian principles can see it and consider if they want to sign.

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You can't even get another person to join your "alliance," what makes you think you can start a bloc?

Besides that, the entire point of this pact is to get you another financial bail-out. You aren't fooling anyone.

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You can't even get another person to join your "alliance," what makes you think you can start a bloc?

Besides that, the entire point of this pact is to get you another financial bail-out. You aren't fooling anyone.

If anyone signed this it would have zero effect on the war I'm already currently in with you guys.

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If anyone signed this it would have zero effect on the war I'm already currently in with you guys.

If anyone signed this they would be allying themselves to a rogue fighting GOONS and agreeing to aid and assist him. Therefore they would be committing an act of war against us.

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So you signed a treaty with just anybody.

First come, first serve, guys! Operators are standing by. First person to call gets a free non-aggression pact. The benefits to this treaty include not going to war with Kerberos Nexus and the opportunity to pay them money.

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Give me your signature and I'll add it on, you can sign as an individual nation or on behalf of the NSO if they are fine with that.

Rebel Virginia of Rebel Virginia

Now, considering that this is a libertarian principled treaty, it is an axiom that it is voluntary by nature. With that in mine, I volunteer not to assist at this moment.

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Also, I didn't point this out when you PM'd it to me Methrage, but it runs contrary to Libertarian values to put restrictions on what members can do, such as the tech raiding clause.

Not really, tech raiding is illegitimate aggression when applying Libertarian values and the treaty defines it as such. Also an agreement made voluntarily is legitimate considering libertarian values, this doesn't force non-signatories to not tech raid.

Rebel Virginia of Rebel Virginia

Now, considering that this is a libertarian principled treaty, it is an axiom that it is voluntary by nature. With that in mine, I volunteer not to assist at this moment.

I added your signature.

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i will sign once your war with goons is over

Sounds good, I'll put your signature on after the war ends if you're still interested in signing. If you want to sign before it ends, but stay out of the war like RV you could do that as well.

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