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A Revisiting of my Previous Entry



The idea behind Typo's post is that some are inherently far gone to the point of no reformation. I wouldn't argue that GATO of the GW2/3-era or any of the other key League/AEGIS were any different, but I would argue that:

1) NPO started hitting allies and lost the ability to differentiate.

2) They started creating and making up threats.

Wiping out immediate threats is valid and practical, conjuring them up and doing so is ridiculous - even moreso when you're the uncontested superpower and everyone is basically cowering [see; Q]. I don't think anyone would, or could, argue that the ex-Hegemony aren't a security threat. I think TOP/IRON demonstrated this rather perfectly with their pre-emptive. Given a proper excuse and a slim hope of success, they will find a reason to attack. That ends the debate in my head for whether they're reformed.

A comment made in response to my previous entry regarding the definition of "reformation", which i think has an interesting relevance to the current Red Safari expedition being done by a large number of the New Hegemony.

We have here an example of a refusal to recognize Pacifica as anything other than an enemy, as someone to be kicked and trod down upon by the New Masters of the Cyberverse for their own amusement, or something. So it seems all this talk of "waiting for NPO to reform" has ultimately been nothing but a blatant sham on their parts.

The crass hypocrisy shown by alliances such as Mushroom Kingdom, which themselves trumpeted long and hard about how "justice was important, the NPO immoral and rabble rabble". And others who voiced the same message, but now are openly sitting back and watching this ransacking of an entire economic sphere continue.

If we have to lay waste to the entire red sphere for them to get it, then so be it.

Going so far as to intentionally harm the health of the game, just for the sake of turning the screws to a single alliance you don't like?

Thats appalling, and pathetically childish. I am aware that this is bordering on rambling, but frankly speaking, it's rather pathetic that those that professed morality as the justification for them being better suited to rule the Cyberverse, are themselves now resorting to justifications such as "at least were not as bad as the NPO" for these kinds of stunts.

You're actively trying to kill the Red Sphere just because you want an enemy to fight against that badly? Are you just that bored? Go to war with each other already, or something, rather than systematically trying to harm the health of the game.

If this were just about raiding, no one would be !@#$%*ing, but we all know what this is, and that it's being sold as something different is the utter height of hypocrisy on your parts.

And before anyone asks, am I mad?

No. Im already taking advantage of an excellent recruiting opportunity for the NSO, so thanks for that.


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Meh you find the mild ones.

I know that many of my comrades, myself included, would love to turn the NPO into a crater again - for good, this time. But ruining alliances simply because we don't like them isn't really what we do (otherwise you'd see half of Bob in flames). NPO is free to conduct its business as it wishes, as long as it doesn't try to tell us how to write the raiding rules contained in the MK Vanguard Codex - the most holy document within the castle halls. We will not allow the Red Devil and its merry band if micro-alliances to impose its will upon us!


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It is interesting to me that the victors of major wars in CN (such as the Karma War) behave much like the Allied Nations did to the Central Powers in WWI. Instead of helping to build their former enemies back up (as the Marshall plan required after WWII), they make them pay, and leave the defeated bitter and resentful. It seems that no matter WHO is in control (ex hegemony or ex Karma) the same thing is going to happen every time. So yes, while the victors are looking the other way in the case of the Red Safari, it could be said (I feel) with reasonable certainty that the NPO and other ex hegemony would do the same. I'm not condoning immorality in any way (after all they say to rule by example...), but I don't think this should come as such a surprise to you.

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No. Im already taking advantage of an excellent recruiting opportunity for the NSO, so thanks for that.

I like that you think this is a burn when in fact the herding of unaligned nations into (sizeable) alliances is a Good Thing for the game.

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I like that you think this is a burn when in fact the herding of unaligned nations into (sizeable) alliances is a Good Thing for the game.

Wait, why would that be a burn?

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The Neo Hegemons seem to have blatantly discarded their moral justification for hating Pacifica, revealing their true motivation: fear. If I were in the position of Xiphosis and others, I wouldn't be showing this kind of weakness.

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It is interesting to me that the victors of major wars in CN (such as the Karma War) behave much like the Allied Nations did to the Central Powers in WWI. Instead of helping to build their former enemies back up (as the Marshall plan required after WWII), they make them pay, and leave the defeated bitter and resentful. It seems that no matter WHO is in control (ex hegemony or ex Karma) the same thing is going to happen every time. So yes, while the victors are looking the other way in the case of the Red Safari, it could be said (I feel) with reasonable certainty that the NPO and other ex hegemony would do the same. I'm not condoning immorality in any way (after all they say to rule by example...), but I don't think this should come as such a surprise to you.

The NPO didn't do this with Legion, and that was, I suppose, the natural end of GWIII.

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