The end of the rope
Hello visitors,
depending on your individual nation, you might know the following problem: Boredom. You have everything you can have, you have tons over tons of spare cash, and still, the game offers you: nothing. You cannot do anything with it, except wasting it for even more infra or land or other stuff which would do nothing in return.
I hate to say it, but really, the game was a lot more fun when I had 3999 or 4999 infra... and not because there was more 'risk' in a political way (we always had kinda 'upper tier and nuke dominance', so nothing has changed much compared to now) - but because I still had perspectives. I had still plans and ideas, needed to plan aid, improvement orders, trade changes, purchases... nothing of that is left. Except of one national wonder per month, there are no more decisions to make.
Now, you could say: "Hey, but you can still aim to be #1 some day!" - but, sad but true, that is rather impossible. There is almost no competition at the top, because all the guys here do the *exact* same things in the *exact* same way. All the nations higher in the ranks than me are around 200 days older, which means they have more infra and wonders and already had ~200days more in collected taxes than I had. As stupid as it sounds: but since there is no way to do anything differently or to make any mistakes, the ranks can only be changed via deletion or war .
So, why telling you all this? Because the game faces a problem-by-design: usually games work in the way, that the more you advance, the more options for gameplay you get. But CN works exactly the other way round. And the only way to change that is the implementation of powerful mechanisms which become available for higher up nations only.
Simple ideas are:
- The problem of "Crime" appears once your nation has exceeded 5000 infra
- The problem of "Unemployment" appears once your nation has exceeded 10000 infra
- The problem of "Pollution" appears once your nation has exceeded 15000 infra
- The problem of "Minorities" appears once your nation has exceeded 20000 infra
For each of these problems a rather difficult decision matrix and a lot of Governmental Effects, Improvements to fight their effects, a different set of Governmental Positions and influence on the Population could be implemented.
Now, why "difficult" decisions? The admin always said: "KISS!!! Everyone should be able to play the game with investing only a few minutes per day!" - And that is correct, but we are not talking about the majority of all players, these must not really care for these problems and can simply ignore them.
-> 3 Nations in the game face all 4 Problems (over 20,000 infra) = 0.01% of the players
-> 61 Nations in the game face 3/4 Problems (over 15,000 infra) = 0.21% of the players
-> 765 Nations in the game face 2/4 Problems (over 10,000 infra) = 2.66% of the players
-> 5,789 Nations in the game face 1/4 Problems (over 5,000 infra) = 20.13% of the players
So, even after implementing such a system, in no way the game experience would move away a lot from KISS, but it would create more difficulty at the upper ranks, which means more room for mistakes, more competition and more options for those who are by far more interested in the game than others. It gives a longterm motivation and actually things to do, decisionst to make.
In addition, it is a simple way to use all these unused improvement slots for the higher up nations, and the way HOW you fill them will have impact on your performance. Now, combine that with a change from "insta-effects" to "over-time-effects" and disable improvement-switching by creating razing fees and time limits for improvement construction, also more pre-requirements for other wonders or improvements. In that way, nations can specialize and will have advantages on special fields, but changing from an eco-path to a military one will cost some time and lots of funds, and the timing of your decisions will become important.
Combined with the "Marketplace" and increased politics, as mentioned in the last article, the game *itself* could be a lot more interesting, instead of "outsourcing" all the interesting parts to outside boards and IRC channels.
Well, hopefully we will see some developments in the future to make the game more *interesting* for the upper ranks, instead of simply add more +3 happiness +4% pop etc. wonders.
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