Technical Question
Hello Geeks and Geekettes (yeah each specie has its female couterparts !)
I was wondering something about a technical issue i encountered for a long time.
Is it possible to use an "offline-browser" with Cybernations ? I mean, I know the terms of compliance forbid the use of softwares looking directly "into" the servers. So we're bound to use "client-side" softs to use data collected. I'm perfectly fine with that.
But my knowledge on client/server things is limited and I wanted to know if you are aware of programs (such as HTTracks for example, but i dont know if he is legit to use it on CN) that can make CN available "offline" by copying pages for later statistical use.
Could be much easier than "open all the window needed and copy the code"
If this question is not allowed, mods moderate this entry !
But in all good faith and without any will to breach the ToS, i wanted to know if such a program exists and if it can be used...
Thanks all for your answers...
EDIT : I realize that i can be more specific.... I would like an offline browser able to keep/ reconstruct inner links between pages. I already use that sort of things but it's more a page per page operations and I cant have redirected link to offline pages. As you will have all understood at this point, i would like to be able to have offline the "alliance members list" AND the pages of each nations...
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