Some interesting statistics
Recently some statistics were pulled that made me extremely proud of our military. At any given moment we are practically at war with the unaligned half of the game. If you search for our wars you'll quickly see that we are doing our fair share of raiding.
Goons to War: 1 : 1.13
For every goon, a war, and then some.
Current wars: 2244
Current GOONS Wars: 367
% of wars that are GOONS: 16.35%
GOONS accounts for 16.35% of all wars going on right now. Hopefully as our numbers increase this number can reach even higher, although as we age our core will be raiding less, so that may depress the number some.
Goons make up 1.28% of population.
We make up a small part of the overall population, but this will increase with time as well.
Given all of the above, it is estimated that your average GOONS member is 1205% more likely to be in a war than your "average" nation. Though we are at a low average NS, this too will change in time, and we will be up there with the rest of them.
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