Intro by the Typically Insane , trying to be everything you're not and still incorrectly using commas guy
Firstly, you know me as Craven.. I didn't really intend to use this as my name it was actually part of a noob mistake involving multiple nations..
but lets continue.. this is a part of the rules we had to agree to
You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this Blog system to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law.
>_> There went my plan
I was really looking forward to threatening every single one of you.. I mean how else will I get you to read this?
I guess I could harass you with vulgar, hateful, and maybe profane language... oh wait I can't
Moving on... Firefox spell checker doesn't recognize "violative" as posted in this lovely set of rules..
So I figured I'd look it up and make sure it exists..
here is what has
ViolativeAlso found in: Wikipedia 0.01 sec.
vi·o·late (v-lt)
tr.v. vi·o·lat·ed, vi·o·lat·ing, vi·o·lates
1. To break or disregard (a law or promise, for example).
2. To assault (a person) sexually.
3. To do harm to (property or qualities considered sacred); desecrate or defile.
4. To disturb rudely or improperly; interrupt: violated our privacy.
As you can see it doesn't have its own definition..
It insists on being part of the "Violate" definition as does every other word that stems from "Violate"
I will now try to get to my point.. I'll try not to do any of that though.. 4 is pretty hard for me though.. I can be quite disturbing..
Okay, that concludes my intro.. I will be posting similar, but non-related nonsense in a few seconds..
Why not just post it here you ask? I shall select a word from above non-related
I am ridiculous, but I am not going to post a bunch of non-related items just to save space!
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