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So, how did the Facebook recruiting go?



Right now the game says we have 25,500 nations in the game. On May 10thlink we had 24,428

On the 10th there were 403,231 nations created in CN all time. Right now there are 405,916 created all time. The good news is we gained 2000 nukes :awesome:

Also, Facepunch has 259 nations and im told GOONS did alot of off site recruiting

Edit: 24k not 29k


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I believe you forgot to factor in the fact that about 200 nations are created everyday. I am not sure of the average number of deletions.

If people would stop deleting nations after re-rolling simply because they got "stuck" with Aluminum and Pigs, I think you'd get a better read of how many nations are created by new players but don't catch on with the game (the number I think you want). As is, I tend to watch the nation count and if there is a net gain of nations, then I see it as a positive sign.

As someone who does a lot of recruiting these days, I can confirm that indeed you have a nice influx of people from both somethingawful.com and facepunch.com. I'm beginning to wonder when more people from fark.com are going to show up.

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If people would stop deleting nations after re-rolling simply because they got "stuck" with Aluminum and Pigs, I think you'd get a better read of how many nations are created by new players but don't catch on with the game (the number I think you want). As is, I tend to watch the nation count and if there is a net gain of nations, then I see it as a positive sign.

As someone who does a lot of recruiting these days, I can confirm that indeed you have a nice influx of people from both somethingawful.com and facepunch.com. I'm beginning to wonder when more people from fark.com are going to show up.

Last i knew Fark did monthly redlights. the greenlights come usually once a year

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If people would stop deleting nations after re-rolling simply because they got "stuck" with Aluminum and Pigs, I think you'd get a better read of how many nations are created by new players but don't catch on with the game (the number I think you want). As is, I tend to watch the nation count and if there is a net gain of nations, then I see it as a positive sign.

As someone who does a lot of recruiting these days, I can confirm that indeed you have a nice influx of people from both somethingawful.com and facepunch.com. I'm beginning to wonder when more people from fark.com are going to show up.

Seriously? Aluminum and pigs are probably the best combo I've ever gotten LOL

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Seriously? Aluminum and pigs are probably the best combo I've ever gotten LOL

I think he was alluding to the fact that new players don't know what they're doing. Could be wrong mind you, but that's what I read out of it.

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Before the competition, the week before, the average nations created per day was 150-160. We are now seeing ~200-250, that's a *huge* increase.

Probably a lot due to the two recruitments, but also the Facebook thing.

And people shouldn't worry about how many people delete, since all other things being equal, an increase in the nations created per day is good news. I wonder how long this will keep up?

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