Let me know if you have it!
So my summer thus far has been going very, very slow. Before graduating I worked out like crazy and played basketball or soccer nearly everyday.. now I feel out of shape and haven't played basketball or soccer in at least three weeks. I guess I need to get off the computer.
Anyways my new job is going well and I go back to work tomorrow, had the day off today. I plan on picking up Napoleon: Total War after work tomorrow (seeing as I have no food and need some things I don't care what you say Wal Mart's great). I've always had a thing for real time and accurate simulations. Age of Empires always seemed so bland and quite frankly stupid to me. Collect gold, stone, lumber and food and you outproduce units out of a random building then take those units and click on other units trying to overwhelm them through numbers. Sounds like a bad game like.. Starcraft or Dawn of War (Yes, I did take a shot at those who play those games).
I was a big fan of Rome Total War, admittedly that's the only one I ever played. I wanted to get Empire and Medieval Total war but simply at the time I didn't have the money for them. Rome Total War was great, I modded it so many times and currently play Rome Total Realism 7: Fate of Empires. Even then, the game is slowly withering and dying. I played online quite a bit at some point on the vanilla, but for those who know vanilla's painful to play. Nothing more than colorful factions with unrealistic factions and battles. You can literally take a general's bodyguard of 72 cavalry and destroy an army of 900. Not to mention the Parthians, or as I like to call them, the pajama faction.
From what I've heard, Napoleon Total War is a very good game and by far the best Total War yet. From what I've seen it does look impressive. Anyone else a fan of the Total War series or have Napoleon Total War already? I'd appreciate your views on the game. Once I have it, I'll post reports and blogs on it.
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