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Scouting Report: The red and white checkered wonderland



It took me almost a full day of my life to get there and back, but I finally got to the Red and White Checkered Oasis I saw from the tree where I was stuck. It was really weird walking with these bouncy rubber things under me, but I finally figured it out. Kinda have to swagger a bit, but that works for me.

Anyhow, by the time I got there, the birds *shakes mandibles at the sky* had picked over everything pretty well. I found a great pool of sticky sugar though, and I am going to present it to the queen soon. I also met this great other ant who swears he is not a red fire ant spy who helped me out. I'm sneaking him in past security because they would ask him all kinds of questions and feel him up with their antennas, and he says he is not that kind of ant.

Nothing could possibly go wrong with this plan, I'll be hailed as the best scout ever and everyone will forget about me getting stuck on that branch.


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