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One Year mark and only thirty days to go...



So on May 2nd I hit my one year mark on the island and it was by far the worst day of my life, I spent all day at work wondering why I wasted a year of my life in this place and I realized that this place has stolen more from me than I could have ever imagined. I am going home to a laundry list of problems as long as your arm and while I am still here I am do nothing, but make the problems worse which while I am writing this blog entry I am actually making two of those problems much worse. Oh also another big milestone I only have 30 more days to go on this rock! So much change is coming so fast I have no idea what the $%&@ I am gonna do...I almost wanna stay here and just avoid all those problems for the rest of my life. God how bad is it when I choose to do a job I hate for the rest of my life over actually being a man and going home to reap what I have sowed. I just realized that this blog has turned from a blog about my work into a blog about my slow destruction of my life, otherwise know as a !@#$%*ing thread. Even still in all this mess, I somehow have this fleeting feeling that in the end everything is gonna be ok and it will all work out. Maybe it is a false hope, but I guess that is just what you've got hold onto in life not all that negative stuff, but you have to find those few positive things and use them to get through the hail of negativity that separates all the positive stuff. I think I just described optimism. Well I guess that is it for now, peace out CN.


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