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I have one thing to say: if you don't like what I write, don't freaking come here and tell me not to use this blog for my own purposes. Just don't read it. Okay?

Now, that we've agreed, you can leave, and are totally welcome not to return. Ever.


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I'm sorry, but if you make the choice to create a blog, you have to be open to criticism, whether it be constructive or just plain blunt opinion. If you want to write and have no one criticize you, buy a diary.

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I'm sorry, but if you make the choice to create a blog, you have to be open to criticism, whether it be constructive or just plain blunt opinion. If you want to write and have no one criticize you, buy a diary.

Well mindless comments aren't exactly "criticisms" Criticism is an art, my friend. It's not meant to hurt anyone. ;)

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Oh no, not comments on a blog!

Whether you like it or not, this is what the internet is. I'd like to add onto Nippy's comment that if you want to write and have people say really nice things about it all the time, just write a letter to your mother.

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Thanks for making me feel bad.

Full of tact, aren't you?

Posts as idiotic as this do not even deserve discussion never-mind the application of intellectual attributes.

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Mindless comments aren't critiques, such as 'Please don't post this here'. This may be the internet, but you should learn to use it. Criticism is NEVER blunt, it is constructive. Saying 'this sucks' is just your opinion no one who WANTS to read these blogs cares about. So if you don't want to read something don't read something, no one is forcing you to comment either.

But now, if one of them read this and realize, 'hey, i shouldn't troll blogs to post stupid comments' it would be a lucky day. But none of them will as it takes all sorts of people to make up the world and asking them to change their ways would be as bad as them asking you not to post. Shoo ga nai.

So to Nythera, it's best to ignore them, they are like fish. Low on intelligence and ready to take your bait. (bait meaning your comments regarding them)

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Mindless comments aren't critiques, such as 'Please don't post this here'. This may be the internet, but you should learn to use it. Criticism is NEVER blunt, it is constructive. Saying 'this sucks' is just your opinion no one who WANTS to read these blogs cares about. So if you don't want to read something don't read something, no one is forcing you to comment either.

But now, if one of them read this and realize, 'hey, i shouldn't troll blogs to post stupid comments' it would be a lucky day. But none of them will as it takes all sorts of people to make up the world and asking them to change their ways would be as bad as them asking you not to post. Shoo ga nai.

So to Nythera, it's best to ignore them, they are like fish. Low on intelligence and ready to take your bait. (bait meaning your comments regarding them)

Thanks. That's the truth.

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