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Any Fanfiction Authors Out There?



I have decided that since I'm so fanfic-crazed, I shall begin writing fanfics of my own. I'm doing my first fanfic for my brother Nick, who wants a Naruto fanfiction for his birthday.

I've never done this before, so I wonder: could someone remind me how fanfics work? I once knew, but I forgot. I'll be ptosting the fic in my other blog in case you want to read it.


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It is not unlike storywriting in general. The difference is that you are using an established concept as your basis. Fan-fictions are also ordinarily posted chapter-by-chapter as you go along (though you do not need to do this), usually on a forum or someplace where fan-fictions tend to be posted. The obvious choice is FanFiction.net. I am sure that, if you look around, you'll find plenty of other boards for it as well.

Being a fic writer myself, I wish luck upon you.

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I did a 20,000 word piece in the Hammer's Slammers universe. I didn't use any of David Drake's characters. Just the technology and various other bits and pieces.

Had a good lot of fun doing it.

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ohh, Naruto Fanfiction....

yummy, lol. I've read fanfiction for years, and I've been in Naruto Fanfiction for about 2 years now, so I'm pretty much a nerd about it, if it's the right type of fanfic. If you need any help, lemme know. Also, what will the fanfiction be like? are you planning a one-shot, or will it take on a life of it's own and go further. And a plot summary when you get one, plz. What's the deadline?

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Fizzy, if I did, it'd be very late, but I'd do it.

ShotgunWilly, there's never a oneshot for me. I can't write oneshots; they drive me crazy. Read on my other blog, you should get a little idea of what my brother, wants, so you can suggest things to me. I have a July 23rd deadline- Nick and Sasuke's birthday, so I got time.

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