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Semi-OOC: Signs of CN Apocalypse



Lamuella brought this up in the \m/ Announcement thread, and I thought it was too good an idea to not run with :P

OK, now all we need is for GPA to declare war on someone for no reason, and we're halfway there with the signs of the apocalypse.

Rebel Virginia joins GOOONS

[ooc]the government of Norway form an alliance to finally deal with Nordreich once and for all[/ooc]

Lam actually had four ideas, but one was kinda implied by the thread it was in :P

So what are your ideas? What would be a sure sign, in your mind, that Planet Bob was soon to come to an end?

Total list:

*\m/ stopping tech-raiding (which has happened, sort of. They've only suspended it.)

*GPA declaring on someone for no reason

*RV joining GOONS

*that OOC thing about Norway and NordReich :P

*Jarkko ever attacking a legit CCC member.

*lebubu joining TOOL :ph34r:

*Starfox joining Polaris

*King Penchuk joining TSO


GPA outright declares war and lays out the ODN. ODN is outraged, and calls upon IRON to defend it. While CnG supports the decision to hit ODN, Super Friends plants on defending ODN in case CnG attacks. While all this happens, WTF and TDO hit each other due to disrespect and recruitment disputes.

Polaris decides to raid random AA's and \m/, under the guidance of Starfox, seeks to end this moral outrage. Bama is so awe-struck he doesn't know what to say, forgetting to end with -Bama. While all this happens NPO tries hard to end this situation and declare peace, but just as they're about to strike a deal the CCC hits GOD.

This prompts The International to declare war on Nordreich because everything within their alliance is distributed too evenly. A poll is made, by you know who, asking if this war can get any stranger. And just as it does.. GOONS gives out a heartfelt apology to all CN due to their recent crimes.

RV, then realizes, GOONS shouldn't be destroyed and Doitzel writes his epic piece of De Messedupis.

*The Ordinance of Order being canceled. (Been done)

*The Sovereignty Pact being canceled.

*The Harmlins Accords being canceled.

*wickedj having friends. (He has friends :P)

*MK merging into GDA.

Keep heckling out of this. "Impossible" situations only, please.


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Alright, here's my best impression of the end.

GPA outright declares war and lays out the ODN. ODN is outraged, and calls upon IRON to defend it. While CnG supports the decision to hit ODN, Super Friends plants on defending ODN in case CnG attacks. While all this happens, WTF and TDO hit each other due to disrespect and recruitment disputes.

Polaris decides to raid random AA's and \m/, under the guidance of Starfox, seeks to end this moral outrage. Bama is so awe-struck he doesn't know what to say, forgetting to end with -Bama. While all this happens NPO tries hard to end this situation and declare peace, but just as they're about to strike a deal the CCC hits GOD.

This prompts The International to declare war on Nordreich because everything within their alliance is distributed too evenly. A poll is made, by you know who, asking if this war can get any stranger. And just as it does.. GOONS gives out a heartfelt apology to all CN due to their recent crimes.

RV, then realizes, GOONS shouldn't be destroyed and Doitzel writes his epic piece of De Messedupis

Something like that.

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The Ordinance of Order being canceled.

It's been done. :P

The Sovereignty Pact being canceled.

The Harmlins Accords being canceled.

MK merging into GDA.

Could see these.

wickedj having friends.

But... but... I'm wickedj's friend. :unsure:

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1. Electron Sponge and I start an alliance that has MADP treaties with MK, Rok, and NPO.

2. Slayer99 returns and joins Nordreich, sporting an avatar that is a picture of a youthful Herman Goering as a WW I pilot.

3. Valhalla merges with STA.

4. Admin adds new ground units to the game.

5. Doitzel writes a brief statement apologizing the CN community and admitting that he actually doesn't know everything and NPO was right all along.

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2. Slayer99 returns and joins Nordreich, sporting an avatar that is a picture of a youthful Herman Goering as a WW I pilot.

I'm starting to like you again.

- NoR and INT sign an eternal MADP

- Dilber confesses that he is actually a RyanGDI multi

- NPO merges into the Grey Council

- TGE goes two weeks without making someone facepalm

- Haflinger says, "You are right. I am wrong."

- I start taking CN seriously

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GOONS merges into TMF and takes up the anti-Raider crusade attacking PC and \m/. Polaris defends \m/ against the TMF threat.

TPF and Athens merge to form a new alliance and leaves CnG to form a bloc with Nordreich, International, LSF, and TGE.

Polaris and \m/ merge forming the ultimate Raiding alliance.

Gremlins merge into DAWN and begin attacking IRON (again).

NPO and MK merge calling themselves LUE 5.0 with Electron Sponge taking Archon's place as supreme Leader.

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