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The End Of Gramlins...



... will be a lot less dramatic then what you were hoping for.

You see here's the thing, for any alliance you need to constantly gain new members, to replace the ones, that lose interest and delete, especially if you are going to grow. Most alliances do this by recruiting new players in CN. For Gramlins though, they have to accept new members by having experienced players wanting to come to them, or by seeking out experienced players. The result of this is that the Gramlins must rely on their reputation to attract new members.

Now that they have trashed that reputation, they won't be attracting new members, which means no growth. They will slowly lose members to deletions, and then more will realize that the alliance is a sinking ship and will leave. If they ever do repair their reputation from the latest fiascoes (don't forget Muto going rogue against them), they will have the new stigma of being a sinking ship to deal with. We may be hoping for them to be destroyed in war, but they will fold the slow way that is the end of most alliances. So in conclusion The Gramlin's bad reputation will stop them from being able to add new members to their fold and cause them slowly dwindle away.

So what do you think, am I right, or is this one of my many wrong opinions?

Prediction: Jack Diorno will reply to this saying that him joining Gramlins disproves my point that they will no longer attract new members.


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Likely their perma-war against us is a desperate attempt to gain any kind of attention, rather than just quietly fading away. Generally I do sympathize if one does everything to keep an alliance alive, but doing this at a cost of two other alliances isn't the way anyone with honor would handle that.

If that is the only way to keep some level of activity and interested up in gRAMlins, maybe they are better off disbanding before their name continues reaching new record lows on a daily basis.

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Shilo, you are severely mistaken if you think we would be so low as to try and gain attention by 'destroying' your alliance (which we are not doing). And seriously, how old do you think our members are, 5 ?

And I'm trying as hard as possible to try and remain respectful throughout this whole thing. But when people like you and others come along and try and !@#$ all over something I've put work into for 3 years, and the people I've worked with for that long it becomes very difficult.

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Your leaders are doing far more !@#$ting on Ramlins than any poster ever could.

When the whole world, including people who openly hate your enemies, turn on you...when your founders turn on you...

You haven't just !@#$ on the Ramlins, you then set its former good name on fire and roasted the trust of your former supporters over that fire to serve with discount cheese and crackers.

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Shilo, you are severely mistaken if you think we would be so low as to try and gain attention by 'destroying' your alliance (which we are not doing). And seriously, how old do you think our members are, 5 ?

And I'm trying as hard as possible to try and remain respectful throughout this whole thing. But when people like you and others come along and try and !@#$ all over something I've put work into for 3 years, and the people I've worked with for that long it becomes very difficult.

i have to agree with bigwoody. many former founders have lost all respect for Gremlins. this means that you may have put in a lot of work but it is all for naught. you have gone against much of what was held dear to Gremlins when i was there.

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I'm going to have to go with many your of wrong opinions. Let's take a look at MXCA, just upon face value without delving into the past. You had a core of your founders leave to form TSO for what ever reasons. The alliance then change into something that wasn't what the founders wanted, yet you are still MXCA. I know you guys openly recruit but still. Looking back onto the history of MXCA would put the grämlins position into a tad bit more light, for you at least.

Onto the part about tarnished reputation, that may be true. Some may not like what they are doing now, but I'm pretty sure there are alliance with a bad past tarnished as you say but are doing fine now. Look at ODN, sure they had the stigma of not defending allies when it meant the most. But I'm pretty sure they wont revert back to the old ODN. But then maybe I'm wrong. If you use perspective you will also find many alliances to have some sort of tarnished past that they over came.

Sure there recruiting practices may be elitist and they need there reputation to attract new members. Hell they even allow new members to join and they grow them. So i don't know where you get they only survive on old nations joining them. But it's not far from the truth.

I'm pretty sure that they will survive this little bump, after all three years is a long time to hold an alliance. Even if the founders left. Sure the founders may not like what the new grämlins have become but they're are some people there still like omas nams who have stuck it for almost three years, he is the longest active member. Just because the "old guard" left the alliance doesn't mean anything. There are plenty of alliances who have thrived when the "old guard" left for any reason.

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I'll believe Gramlins is dead when I see a disbandment notice. That said, they've put themselves on the wrong side of every side that was in the war. But hey, so did NpO and they've already re-signed a MDoAP with Ragnarok.

Planet Bob suffers from short term and selective memory issues.

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Planet Bob suffers from short term and selective memory issues.

What ....... noooooooo :rolleyes:

Hell they even allow new members to join and they grow them.

I was not aware that they accepted newly created nations.

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Yes, if a player is worth an application then their nation doesn't matter. If that means they need to speak to an existing member to get a vouch then sometimes that's necessary, but we have accepted newly created nations before.

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I doubt that they will die. In all fairness to them they do seem to be devoted to their way of doing business, and while I do not agree with them at all on this if the membership does than the alliance will survive.

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Many have been saying IRON and DAWN should get peace for a while now, yet Gremlins are doing fine and still pounding away on them while everybody does nothing. I don't think Gremlins are dead, if they can keep a war going like this on their own and be winning while having no treaties thats pretty impressive.

Everybody has a nation they are free to do with as they want, either most of CN doesn't care what Gremlins are doing or are cowards. I don't think Gremlins care about the opinions of those to scared to act.

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I'll believe Gramlins is dead when I see a disbandment notice. That said, they've put themselves on the wrong side of every side that was in the war. But hey, so did NpO and they've already re-signed a MDoAP with Ragnarok.

Planet Bob suffers from short term and selective memory issues.

Can't believe I just agreed with you...but ya. They are far from dead. Regardless, they are far from my ideals. Some wonder whether ideals, and morals are a cataclysm in this game. I seem to think so after 3 years. Maybe someone should blog that.

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Shilo, you are severely mistaken if you think we would be so low as to try and gain attention by 'destroying' your alliance (which we are not doing). And seriously, how old do you think our members are, 5 ?

And I'm trying as hard as possible to try and remain respectful throughout this whole thing. But when people like you and others come along and try and !@#$ all over something I've put work into for 3 years, and the people I've worked with for that long it becomes very difficult.

When someone wants to keep my alliance and my ally in perma-war, I don't honestly care much why you are going crazy, I just note you are.

And I'd give you 7, you should be tall enough to see a computer screen, definitely not a bit more mature than that though.

That said, since you think you can sit on top of us forever or until we roll-over and surrender ourselves to your mercy, I have a hard time being friendly with you guys, especially since screwing over everyone who talks to you in an official capacity is your way to handle business.

However, the general problem I see with your last sentence is that you are acting like an autistic child in all of this. Incase you haven't noticed, you, you in person, your alliance government, your entire alliance, are the ones pooping over what you put in 3 years of your lifetime. Everyone else is just pointing out to you that you all lost your mind, the illness is with you, not with everyone else except you guys. You can change all that, realize the problem soley rests with you, and start acting reasonable again, and people over time may forget how you screwed them over.

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For Gramlins though, they have to accept new members by having experienced players wanting to come to them, or by seeking out experienced players.

They don't have to do that you know. Kind of a big flaw in your argument. Any AA that starts rapidly losing members will most likely pick up recruitment, if they intend to hang around.

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However, the general problem I see with your last sentence is that you are acting like an autistic child in all of this. Incase you haven't noticed, you, you in person, your alliance government, your entire alliance, are the ones pooping over what you put in 3 years of your lifetime. Everyone else is just pointing out to you that you all lost your mind, the illness is with you, not with everyone else except you guys. You can change all that, realize the problem soley rests with you, and start acting reasonable again, and people over time may forget how you screwed them over.

Yes, because personal attacks will help the situation. I can understand why you're upset but coming here and spouting off nonsense like that after, omas nams tried to act reasonable to your post, is just plain old silly.

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I don't think anything will "help in this situation". Omas is one of the highest ranking members in an alliance that chose to alienate most of it's allies just to continue a war to achieve something dubious in the realm of "trying out new ideas" and "you'll find out once you surrender unconditionally".

He and his alliance are beyond reason since they in the middle of peace talks declared they no longer adhere to the terms their government had acknowledged just before, and refused to come back to their senses after everyone involved attempted to talk to them for several weeks, leading to the delaying of the global peace for over week. He and his alliance mates either attempt to downplay their deeds, spin the truth, or as Omas himself tried, declare this an internal matter...

Sadly, it's not nonsense to call the alliance autistic. Not reacting to outside influences, living in their own world, not caring for the damage done to others, calling that autistic is quite friendly...

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[insert insults and personal attacks here]

So yea I'm done with this. You said something about not being able to communicate with us and yet when I come here and make a post you decide to insult me, that's really gonna make me want to talk to you about all this. So I'm done trying to converse with you, if you decide you want to act with even a modicum of respect then let me know and I'll think about responding.

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So yea I'm done with this. You said something about not being able to communicate with us and yet when I come here and make a post you decide to insult me, that's really gonna make me want to talk to you about all this. So I'm done trying to converse with you, if you decide you want to act with even a modicum of respect then let me know and I'll think about responding.


Lol, yet another attempt to spin the facts. You and your alliance refused to talk to us, your allies, for the past 3 weeks. Now you're not gonna talk to me? I am shocked, truly...

I make you an offer though: If you are interested in stopping your perma-war against us, you can come to me and I am sure I'll listen to what you have to say.

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Lol, yet another attempt to spin the facts. You and your alliance refused to talk to us, your allies, for the past 3 weeks. Now you're not gonna talk to me? I am shocked, truly...

I make you an offer though: If you are interested in stopping your perma-war against us, you can come to me and I am sure I'll listen to what you have to say.

I'm not trying to spin things Shilo. Merely saying that when someone is making a post you then insult them straight away, surely that is detrimental to what you're tying to achieve? Anyways, best of luck with whatever it is you do Shilo.

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I'm not trying to spin things Shilo. Merely saying that when someone is making a post you then insult them straight away, surely that is detrimental to what you're tying to achieve? Anyways, best of luck with whatever it is you do Shilo.

At the moment I am past achieving anything with you guys, except working on your lower tier. As I realize you aren't interested in changing your minds regarding that perma-war of yours against us, there is nothing that will happen until you do change your mind.

I know, from your safe position up there, either waiting to destroy the few remaining top-tier nations we have left, or happy to stall our growth indefinitely, this may all look far away and irrelevant, but for me it is very relevant. It's why I am sick of your and your alliance mates dodging of concrete issues, no content responses or simply cluelessnes to what your government has done/is doing.

So maybe I am trying to achieve the release of some anger towards you guys, and present the perspective of those you currently have under your boot and have no intention of releasing.

Compare me to someone who just got mugged and is screaming at the guy who mugged him. Don't expect friendly words until you apologize and return my wallet.

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I'm not trying to spin things Shilo. Merely saying that when someone is making a post you then insult them straight away, surely that is detrimental to what you're tying to achieve? Anyways, best of luck with whatever it is you do Shilo.

If you have a problem with being insulted then stop deserving it, and end tell your alliance to stop being evil and end this war.

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Gramlins are a joke these days, soon to be a footnote on CN history. Sad that an alliance I once had huge respect for, and admired above most, is now one I hold in the highest contempt.

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I've only seen on response, supercoolyellow, from shilo to omas nams post, and it's here. As far as i can see i'd be slightly annoyed that i was trying to act in a decent manner in responding to a post then having someone go directly to personal attacks. Sure you can't like what grämlins are doing but to just say hey you deserve the personal attacks after responding to my blog is poor form.

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I've only seen on response, supercoolyellow, from shilo to omas nams post, and it's here. As far as i can see i'd be slightly annoyed that i was trying to act in a decent manner in responding to a post then having someone go directly to personal attacks. Sure you can't like what grämlins are doing but to just say hey you deserve the personal attacks after responding to my blog is poor form.

I said they deserve to be insulted not to have personal attacks, and either, way both of those, don't even compare to what gRAMlins are doing to IRON and DAWN.

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I've only seen on response, supercoolyellow, from shilo to omas nams post, and it's here. As far as i can see i'd be slightly annoyed that i was trying to act in a decent manner in responding to a post then having someone go directly to personal attacks. Sure you can't like what grämlins are doing but to just say hey you deserve the personal attacks after responding to my blog is poor form.

Indeed am curious as to why you attempt to make this topic about me, when I have no problem admitting I am not important enough to have a blog dedicated to me. But looking at your AA, seeing as your nation bio states "tech dealing with gremlins" and you sending tech to an alliance that is keeping us in a perma-war, gave me the perspective I missed before.

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I said they deserve to be insulted not to have personal attacks, and either, way both of those, don't even compare to what gRAMlins are doing to IRON and DAWN.

They deserve to be criticized not insulted, which is a personal attack.

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