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Calling Out Penkala



So while I was gone, I heard Penkala said some not so nice things to me on here. I don't like people saying not so nice things to me, hurts my feelins and stuff. *sniff* Anyways, I challenged him to a duel. He turned it down claiming he'd "destroy me" one on one yet couldn't because he was out of range. Yet what separates us is only 5k of NS which he could easily gain with some aid.

So, with this, I call out Penkala. No more hitting small inactive nations with MP's and thinking you're all that. No more hiding behind the most powerful bloc in the game. Most of all, no more talk if you can't walk the walk.

After all you did have a 450 mil warchest and such an immaculate record with so many PoW's, why don't you try me on for size? You did say you'd destroy me, after all...


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Please. For all Penkala's mouth there are no fangs to be found. Probably a lost cause mate.

I expect nothing but excuses from him and his friends like CptZilla, but at least people can look back and see him for the scaredy cat he really is.

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why dont you drop some infra and hit him instead?

And so the excuses begin.

He can easily reach and surpass my level with aid. Should be no problem for a guy who boasts a 450 mil warchest.

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Bad show AUT, yet again you fail to understand how to properly be a paper tiger, like Penkala! Puff up your chest, and pretend to be tough, you should learn to be more like Penkala, AUT.

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I don't suppose this challenge applies to other interested members of the Commonwealth?

Carthage just happens to have a nation at exactly my strength level.

If you can pick out a member of mine who's run around like a jerk talking trash about you then let me know so we can settle this by means of war. Other than that, I suggest your little friend of yours puts up or shuts up.

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My money is on AUT

Oh yeah, will get on IRC and talk to Penkala when I get the chance some time next week. Time for him to put up.

You've two weeks to catch up to my NS level. I won't grow or pull anything stupid on you. 'till then

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Consider me unimpressed by your e-posturing and your willingness to use some of those pixels you've accumulated against another member with some pixels equal in number (almost) to yours, theAUT. Not that I'm impressed with anything you do in the first place...

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These kinds of "man-offs" achieve exactly the opposite for both parties involved.

Nah, both parties have an internet ego and for some reason this actually matters to them. Aut wont declare on Penkala and Penkala isnt allowed to declare on Aut now go back to your regularly scheduled AWing

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Penkala won't declare AUT. Its a lost cause.

If I were in range I'd declare. Here I thought Aut had like a 50k NS nation.

Please. For all Penkala's mouth there are no fangs to be found. Probably a lost cause mate.

Who are you and what have you ever done? I've probably done more in a week than you've done the entire time you've been here. Get out.

And so the excuses begin.

He can easily reach and surpass my level with aid. Should be no problem for a guy who boasts a 450 mil warchest.

The only one making excuses is you. You could hit me today and yet you won't. Because you're a coward.

If you can pick out a member of mine who's run around like a jerk talking trash about you then let me know so we can settle this by means of war. Other than that, I suggest your little friend of yours puts up or shuts up.

No, *you* put up or shut up, big man. I'm down if you are. Send me $3m and 50 tech and send your other tech off to other people, then sell 800 of that precious infra and we'll be in range. You could attack me within 20 minutes if you wanted to. Instead, you sit there, breathing a sigh of relief that you are out of my range. I spit on you and your cowardly actions, Aut.

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If you can pick out a member of mine who's run around like a jerk talking trash about you then let me know so we can settle this by means of war. Other than that, I suggest your little friend of yours puts up or shuts up.

Any examples of this? A search of Penkala's posts looking for "The AUT" and Carthage turns up only two posts, neither of which are particularly offensive.

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You've two weeks to catch up to my NS level. I won't grow or pull anything stupid on you. 'till then

You have one week to get in my range and grow some balls. I'm the lowest I've ever been on cash and won't have aid slots available for a few more days. I also see you waited until I decommissioned my barracks and GCs, which I can't get back now. Good call. You'll need every advantage you can get.

If you declare war on me within the next 4 weeks, I will ensure CSN does not attack your !@#$%* alliance in retaliation.

He's a terrible fighter, AUT. You should have no issues.

You surrendered to me after I nuked you.

Nah, both parties have an internet ego and for some reason this actually matters to them. Aut wont declare on Penkala and Penkala isnt allowed to declare on Aut now go back to your regularly scheduled AWing

I mean if he were in range when I checked about 2 minutes ago I'd have declared. Of course, he waited until I was *out of range* and had decommed military improvements to dare challenging me.

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