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Buffalo Niagara


You know its kind of interesting watching the progression of when I was in school and we thought a flashing green screen that said "Hi Jeff good morning and welcome to Computers 101" was cool after 3 days of computer theory and here I am making a blog post using pretty much a point and click method.

Soon there will be a time when everyone who isn't on the internet and has a presence there, is out of the ordinary.

Technology is funny like that. As a kid I remember 8 tracks, 33 and 45 speed vinyl records and when tapes came along it was a huge thing.... Remember Sony Walkmans? Now we have IPODS and MP3 players.

What will tomorrow bring?


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Computer and TV will be fused. The word multimedia will be reused into something we have never seen before. In a couple of years we will do a lot in 3D. I think those are the next big things.

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Miniaturization followed by integration. Sooner or later you'll have one iPhone like device that does the job of literally all your gadgets. And it will be tiny.

My iPhone already does the job of all my gadgets. Phone, mp3 player, video player, camera, GPS, Internet browser, e-mail client, IRC, Skype, MSN, Internet radio receiver, calculator. Only things I can't do with it that have been noticeable are record video and play flash videos on anything but Youtube.

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Around 1995 I was going through my record collection. I pulled one out of its sleeve just as my (then) 5-year-old walked in.

"Daddy, that's a really big CD," he said.

And at that moment I realized I was staring across the generation gap.

Then again, I'm so old I remember watching men walk on the moon.

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Around 1995 I was going through my record collection. I pulled one out of its sleeve just as my (then) 5-year-old walked in.

"Daddy, that's a really big CD," he said.

And at that moment I realized I was staring across the generation gap.

Then again, I'm so old I remember watching men walk on the moon.

Your children are older than me.

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there will be no integration of technology into the body until some kind of 'continuing' purchase model becomes possible. The tech will need to be 'reboosted' or will need a 'battery pack'.

Nobody manufactures any 'item for life'.

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