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Opportunism in it's Latest



Hello Cybernations, well i'm sick of Opportunism in it's latest (/me looks at alliances like Sparta) Anyways. As many of you know TOP and Co. Where given terms by CnG and Bandwaggoners or those people who claim to only have honored there treaty. I'll get back to this anyways. Here are the terms to those who haven't seem them,

Terms of surrender of The Order of the Paradox (TOP), Independent Republic of Orange Nations (IRON), Democratic Alliance of Wise Nations (DAWN), The Sweet Oblivion (TSO), and The Order of Righteous Nations (TORN) - collectively hereafter referred to as TIDTT.


1. TIDTT admits defeat and surrenders to the collective forces of the Complaints & Grievances Union, and their allies in Sparta, Mostly Harmless Alliance, The Grämlins, Fark, Nemesis, Dark Fist, The Brigade, The Resistance, Aloha, Aircastle, The Jedi Order, Prism Protection Front, Siberian Tiger Alliance, New Polar Order, The Alliance of Angry Bees, FOK, Christian Coalition of Countries, Federation of Armed Nations, BaCoN, Ronin, Global Alliance and Treaty Organization, Umbrella, Imperial Assault Alliance, Open Source Alliance, Genesis, Eldar, and the Order of the Black Rose.


2. TIDTT shall pay reparations in the amounts outlined below. In the case of both reparations paid directly by TIDTT and of TIDTT paying for tech deals from other alliances, it is the responsibility of TIDTT to ensure that payments reach targets specified by the receiving alliances.

3. TOP shall pay the following reparations:

300K tech to the Complaints & Grievances Union. Up to 150K tech may be purchased by TOP from nations of other alliances at their discretion & coordination.

25K tech to Sparta.

7.5K tech and $105 Million to Dark Fist.

5K tech to The Brigade.

5K tech to The Resistance.

2.9K tech to Nemesis.

4. IRON shall pay the following reparations:

150K tech to the Complaints & Grievances Union. Up to 50K tech may be purchased by IRON from nations of other alliances at their discretion & coordination.

15K tech to Sparta.

6K tech paid for at a rate of 3m per 150 tech for Fark and a Beer Review which must meet their criteria.

6K tech paid for at a rate of 3m per 150 tech for Grämlins

IRON shall agree to provide BACoN with unlimited cast iron frying pans for bacon cooking purposes

a good bourbon review from IRON leaders for FAN

5. DAWN shall pay the following reparations:

10K tech to the Complaints & Grievances Union. Up to 5K tech may be purchased by DAWN from nations of other alliances at their discretion & coordination.

5K tech and 200M to IAA (SHARED WITH TORN)

6K tech to Grämlins, 3K of which is paid for at a rate of 150/3m

500 tech and a Beer Review for Fark which must meet their criteria.

6. TSO shall pay the following reparations:

40K tech to the Complaints & Grievances Union. Up to 20K tech may be purchased by TSO from nations of other alliances at their discretion & coordination.

10K tech to GATO or it's equivalent in cash at $3mil per 100 or any combonation thereof.

5K tech to OSA and a short essay of no less than 400 words on why GNU/Linux is a superior operating system to Windows. Up to 2.5K tech may be purchased by TSO from nations of other alliances at their discretion & coordination.

5K tech to Genesis. Up to 2.5K tech may be purchased by TSO from nations of other alliances at their discretion & coordination.

5K tech to Ronin. Up to 2.5K tech may be purchased by TSO from nations of other alliances at their discretion & coordination.

7. TORN shall pay the following reparations:

10K tech to the Complaints & Grievances Union. Up to 5K tech may be purchased by TORN from nations of other alliances at their discretion & coordination.

5K tech and 200M to IAA (SHARED WITH DAWN)

8. TIDTT alliances and their members shall not engage in inter-alliance aid except aid required to pay reparations.

Length of Terms

9. These terms shall last individually for each TIDTT alliance. When an alliance has completed the full payment of their reparations to designated targets from each receiving alliance, their time subject to these terms is complete.

First of all to all you Opportunistic B*s*a*d* (Sparta, Darf Fist, The Brigade, The Resistance, Nemesis, FARK, Gremlins, GATO, Ronin, and IAA.) Who got attacked here, CnG or you opportunists. I Fully Support that CnG should get the reps they specified Because they where the ones to get attacked, now for the rest of you who claim to have entered the conflict on a "Mutual Defense" Clause, well then why are you asking for reps, well I mean from some alliances like Sparta it's expected but seriously we all know the only Alliance that actually deserves reps of some kind are CnG.


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We are requesting reps that don't even come close to the amount of damage we have taken. We have defended our allies from an aggressive attack. Simple as that.

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Well when GPA Got rolled that was a Diffrent Era, So don't come here with the "But had worst Surrender Terms.." or "your alliance got reps" because we both know that was a long time ago..

Now when did NpO Ask for reps since you're saying "Why is it when your alliance demands reps from an aggressive war or demands military decom".

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We are requesting reps that don't even come close to the amount of damage we have taken. We have defended our allies from an aggressive attack. Simple as that.

Yes, I understand that. My apologies If I have insulted you/your alliance, it wasn't my intention. But when you signed the Mutual Defense Treaty was it because you where going to defend them even if it meant going to Hell and back or because of the reps? Your alliance came in because of a Defense Treaty, you guys didn't get attacked thus you are not in your right to demand reps. Is it that hard to rebuild on your own?

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Yes, I understand that. My apologies If I have insulted you/your alliance, it wasn't my intention. But when you signed the Mutual Defense Treaty was it because you where going to defend them even if it meant going to Hell and back or because of the reps? Your alliance came in because of a Defense Treaty, you guys didn't get attacked thus you are not in your right to demand reps. Is it that hard to rebuild on your own?

Ronin would fight on the losing side for our allies. And we didn't really "demand reps" XD. It was 50/50 in the first place.

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Yes, I understand that. My apologies If I have insulted you/your alliance, it wasn't my intention. But when you signed the Mutual Defense Treaty was it because you where going to defend them even if it meant going to Hell and back or because of the reps? Your alliance came in because of a Defense Treaty, you guys didn't get attacked thus you are not in your right to demand reps. Is it that hard to rebuild on your own?

Yes, we would have defended our allies whether reps were in the cards or not. People do not sign or honor treaties depending on the size of reps they receive or will have to pay in the future.

We are taking as much damage as C&G. And we wouldn't be in this war if it wasn't for TTItD. I'm not entitled to anything and probably won't even partake in reps for my personal nation because there are others in my alliance who have taken a crap load more damage than I have.

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ronin literally has no ability to rebuild without reps. none. whatsoever. if they don't get them, they will disband.

If you're trying to troll Ronin, this isn't the place. I like Ronin....

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Yes, we would have defended our allies whether reps were in the cards or not. People do not sign or honor treaties depending on the size of reps they receive or will have to pay in the future.

We are taking as much damage as C&G. And we wouldn't be in this war if it wasn't for TTItD. I'm not entitled to anything and probably won't even partake in reps for my personal nation because there are others in my alliance who have taken a crap load more damage than I have.

Yes it's Understandble point of view, but who where the alliances to get attacked? I know your alliance is in this because of TTItD But that doesn't mean you HAVE to Demand Reps from them, it just doesn't look good. Everyone in this war has had great damages, but isn't this the point of the game. Building your nation, getting f'ed up in war, then rebuidling and so the cycle continue's.

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Wait, let me get this straight: only CnG should get reps? Perhaps you are naive or just dolefully disillusioned, but CnG isn't an isolationist bloc like GUARD was. No, it has an extensive array of treaties that expand beyond the confines of the bloc. They have a variety of military-pact allies that create a de facto bloc. They were obligated to enter on CnG's behalf because of TOP (and IRON et. al) and their gross miscalculation. Their obligations to enter are the reason why the sides were so lopsided, save for the omnipresent band wagoners.

TOP et. al. attacked CnG, and as an extension attacked all of its treaty partners as well. They made a gamble and they lost. The world isn't perfect and the victors write the history, along with the terms of peace. That's how it has always been.

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i wonder how many of these blogs we will see before the war is over. i swear this is like the 3rd one ive seen so far. but i havent really been looking


Well when GPA Got rolled that was a Diffrent Era, So don't come here with the "But had worst Surrender Terms.." or "your alliance got reps" because we both know that was a long time ago..

Now when did NpO Ask for reps since you're saying "Why is it when your alliance demands reps from an aggressive war or demands military decom".

Also, your whole, it doesnt count because it was a long time ago, argument is pretty sad. things dont work like that.

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frankly, i agree with this post. i personally will not partake in any reps gained by IAA despite the damage my nation has taken in this war. i would rather IAA not take any reps even minimal mainly due to the other reps demanded from TORN/DAWN. but that is not my call.

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Personal opinion since this is a blog outside of RP.

The reasons for this war aside, Reps can be demanded all they want and high as they want. TIDTT doesn't have to accept them and almost all of us are willing to got VietTOP if a consensus isn't reached. The more damage everyone does to each other, the more likely MHA, GPA, and NPO are back as the 3 top alliances. And this is with NPO in a very weakened and restrained state.

I find that asking TSO to pay 40K Tech to CnG. That's laughable. We declared but I don't believe we did enough damage offensively to CnG to warrant that much. If anything, it looks to me that CnG is attempting to profit off of their use of GATO as meat shields. GATO may not be very good and fighting wars but they have thrown themselves at TSO to keep us from being able to coordinate any sort of cohesive response. They've been a hell of a lot more respectful in terms of banter and their behaviour within our IRC channel. I'd give GATO the Lions share of the reps if anything. Same with Ronin. Did Genesis and OSA even hit us?

I know I'll have to pay reps if it comes down to it. The price alliances are willing to pay hasn't been reached yet and people don't understand why TIDTT hasn't caved. We know we're in a losing situation. But we're not going to make it worse by having a crapload of tech ripped from us either. If they want that much, they're going to have to get it another way and that way hurts them just as much. They're called negotiations for a reason.

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C&G could not have won this war without so many friends coming in to help. Many large nations lost a big chunk of tech and these terms aren't breaking the bank for anyone. I have no problem with anyone on a defensive side of a war asking for reps.

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huge reps will just keep (insert huge annoying acronym here) in longer inflicting even more damage to C&G and company. Until they completely lose the ability to rebuy to 1k infra and most likely even the ability to pay said reps, why should they stop?

They kicked Valhalla and our allies out of the fight so they could loosen up. We aren't involved anymore, they don't need to worry about dragging us into oblivion with them.

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