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TOP's Counteroffer: lol what

Chief Savage Man


1. The Order of Paradox, Independent Republic of Orange Nations, Democratic Alliance of Wise Nation, The Order of Righteous Nations and The Sweet Oblivion, hereby named for the sake of clarity TIDTT, admit defeat and surrender to the collective forces of the Complaints & Grievances Union, and their allies (list cut off but it then lists all alliances la la la)

2. TIDTT shall pay reparations in the amounts outlined below. In the case of both reparations paid directly by TIDTT and of TIDTT paying for tech deals from other alliances, it is the responsibility of TIDTT to ensure that payments reach targets specified by the receiving alliances.

3. Reparations may be distributed by the Complaints and Grievances Union to any alliance or nation not engaged in conflict with any alliance over 2 nations as they see fit, or any nation within the Complaints and Grievances Union not at war with any TIDTT targets or direct allies of TIDTT.

4. TOP will pay a total of 50k tech in reparations.

5. IRON will pay a total of 40k tech in reparations.

6. TSO will pay a total of 15k tech in reparations.

7. DAWN will pay a total of 5k tech in reparations.

8. TORN will pay a total of 7k tech in reparations.

9. Further along the forces of TIDTT agree to decommission up to 50% of their nuclear weapons in sign of good faith, for the duration of terms. This means they will be protected by the CnG Union for the same duration.

10. None of the nations member of TIDTT are to be left behind. Unless the victorious alliances are asking that we accept a sentence of multiple ZI, all our member nations have fought bravely in this war and have been subject of and the attackers had the opportunity of ZI'ing anyone.

11. Any beverage/food review is available as long as at least one government member of TIDTT is willing to test such things and then write about the experience.

A little birdie (or two <_<) told me this was the counteroffer. 50% of nuclear arsenal. I wouldn't consider anything less than 95% decom if I were CnG. Whatever.


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It's also pretty military-history geekish.

You are commenting on replies to a blog post made in reference to a pretend war taking place in a text-based role-playing game on the internet. You, sir, are in no position to criticize others for "geekish" behavior.

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Also, the TTItD doesn't have the right to dictate ZI policy to the other alliances. In the original terms no one was singled out for ZI except for people who went rogue.

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There's no 'dictating' Airme. If C&G is working out a conditional surrender, then TIDTT can ask and fight for any conditions of surrender they want, including ZI policy toward combatants.

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These are closer to reasonable than the first offer leaked in Ejay's blog, although the final figure will probably be between them. It's also strange to have a partial nuke decom and protection – with protection you'd normally expect demilitarisation.

How are these close to reasonable? They attacked with no CB and want to get out of paying for it. NUTS

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It's mockery. When mocking via mimicking, it quite often does not make sense for the mimer (did I just make up a word) to do what they're doing. Except that they're insulting the other party. :haw:

As a side note, your insult has been duly noted, and I am quite pleased to see your arrogance and sense of entitlement has survived this war fully intact thus far. We will be sure to redouble our efforts on that front :v:

I understand exactly what you guys are trying to do... It just makes absolutely no sense in this situation. It's the same thing as if instead of saying "NUTS!" in reply to your terms we said "Never Surrender!" and then you guys all posted "Never Surrender!" in response to our counter offer. It makes no sense since you are not being asked to surrender.

If our counteroffer was to ask for your surrender, then your responses would be appropriate. So please learn how to mock. :smug:

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I understand exactly what you guys are trying to do... It just makes absolutely no sense in this situation. It's the same thing as if instead of saying "NUTS!" in reply to your terms we said "Never Surrender!" and then you guys all posted "Never Surrender!" in response to our counter offer. It makes no sense since you are not being asked to surrender.

If our counteroffer was to ask for your surrender, then your responses would be appropriate. So please learn how to mock. :smug:

Except we're saying nuts because your counter terms were way lower than anything we would want. We don't have to use the exact same meaning of the word to mock the idea of what you guys were doing.

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Except we're saying nuts because your counter terms were way lower than anything we would want. We don't have to use the exact same meaning of the word to mock the idea of what you guys were doing.

No you don't. You also don't have to make any sense either, but I guess you already know that :rolleyes:

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Why not just drop the requirement that they have to send their own tech. Let them buy it with tech sellers. CnG will get their tech and it doesn't cripple the alliances paying the reps. People are throwing out time frames in terms of aid slots that alliances will have to devote to paying reps but its really double whats being quoted because of the wasted aid slots used to acquire the tech in the first place. I think the punitive aspect to the reps requested should be dropped. War is good and people seem to think we should encourage it. If the original rep request is paid it will set a dangerous precedent that will insure long long lasting peace.

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No you don't. You also don't have to make any sense either, but I guess you already know that :rolleyes:

What doesn't make sense? Nuts is expressing our disbelief at how low the counter-offer was.

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Why not just drop the requirement that they have to send their own tech. Let them buy it with tech sellers. CnG will get their tech and it doesn't cripple the alliances paying the reps. People are throwing out time frames in terms of aid slots that alliances will have to devote to paying reps but its really double whats being quoted because of the wasted aid slots used to acquire the tech in the first place. I think the punitive aspect to the reps requested should be dropped. War is good and people seem to think we should encourage it. If the original rep request is paid it will set a dangerous precedent that will insure long long lasting peace.

Because letting them buy it entirely through tech sellers doesn't punish them at all? Cash is nothing, I'm sure TOP would agree to reps of 20B in a heartbeat, cause realistically it would be super easy for them to pay off. Tech is where it hurts them.

(And for all you paranoid $%&@ers out there, I just pulled the 20B out of a god damn hat to illustrate a point, please don't start debating it)

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Why not just drop the requirement that they have to send their own tech. Let them buy it with tech sellers. CnG will get their tech and it doesn't cripple the alliances paying the reps. People are throwing out time frames in terms of aid slots that alliances will have to devote to paying reps but its really double whats being quoted because of the wasted aid slots used to acquire the tech in the first place. I think the punitive aspect to the reps requested should be dropped. War is good and people seem to think we should encourage it. If the original rep request is paid it will set a dangerous precedent that will insure long long lasting peace.

300,000 tech is 18 billion in cash. Those *really* are joke reps for TOP.

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Because letting them buy it entirely through tech sellers doesn't punish them at all? Cash is nothing, I'm sure TOP would agree to reps of 20B in a heartbeat, cause realistically it would be super easy for them to pay off. Tech is where it hurts them.

(And for all you paranoid $%&@ers out there, I just pulled the 20B out of a god damn hat to illustrate a point, please don't start debating it)

But is the point to repay the damage or to punish them? If its the latter then you need to call it something other that reparations.

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But is the point to repay the damage or to punish them? If its the latter then you need to call it something other that reparations.

Surrender terms?

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