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Sandwich Controversy


I'm stealing Roq's ideas, so ask me any questions you like, about my personal life, why I'm the best poster, who I like and who is Literally Scum, and especially about the new hegemony. Being high-level government of an alliance at the forefront of said hegemony puts me in a good position to answer!



also I've heard I'm a pretty good historian!! ask about any event that took place since july 17, 2006 especially about GOONS since I'm an expert on that


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good questions

1. because I have an indefinable innate talent for posting that many have tried to duplicate but have ultimately failed, see: rey the great

2. no but he is a posting hero of mine (see: that goldberg picture he made that I stole for my own purposes)

3. I hope so, yelling at people in #mushroom is beneath me and I should really be yelling at people from behind closed doors demanding reparations for small mistakes, really.

4. my allies, NEW, TOP (completely unironically), VE, PC, GOD, nobody else

5. you answered your own question (who not.), but I hope to be called oppressive scum once or twice in the near future

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Since you also were a member of the old hegemony, what opinions do you hold today that are different from the past?

Also, nice blog ya got here.

People that know me outside of these here forums know I'm pretty moderate. Sure, people who mess with my pals should die in a fire, but I've been on the wrong side of "the hegemony" before and I know it sucks to be dumped on when you haven't really done anything wrong. Even back when I was in GOONS (well known for being hilariously oppressive and a textbook example of a massive abuse of power), I always felt a bit guilty when we did something to people who didn't deserve it, such as P-ZIing people for tiny offensives and raiding established alliances. (yeah yeah, pubbie tears, whatever, also 404 was indisputably terrible) The difference between THAT Hegemony and the one that is forming today is that the people under the jackboot today completely deserve it. GOONS deserved to be stomped, regardless of how much fun I had as a member. I'm sure people in the former Continuum alliances had a lot of fun too, but it came at the expense of others who didn't do anything to deserve what they got from them and they're paying the price for it.

All in all, I don't think I've changed much. Experience has just shown me that you can't be a jerk to everyone and expect to get away with it, but letting your enemies go free in a vain hope that they may reform themselves and become your friends is incredibly naive. Pretty much what I knew already.

And thanks, I try :v

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You like TOP? Now that is interesting.

What is it about TOP that you find you like? Is it pre-war related or is this respect gathered on the battlefield?

I do, and it was even before the war. This is a game rife with utter incompetence, and TOP is one of the select few alliances that actually has the slightest idea what they're doing. I always found the idea of a democratic alliance intriguing because I've never been in one (GOONS doesn't count because while on paper it was democratic, every election was rigged). Sure, people say "lol democracy" because of the tons of slow moving democracies with an inactive membership, but there are some democratic alliances such as TOP and ODN that work pretty damn well. A democratic alliance with an active, well-informed membership would be cool. Someday I would like to leave the land of iron-fisted dictatorships to try it out.

TOP also is very skilled at the fine art of nation building, and unlike in noCB and other wars where our primary opponents had hordes of poorly maintained nations that could hardly retaliate, TOP is proving to be a capable opponent for a change. Opponents that coordinate? Heresy!

I find that I get along well with most TOP members that I meet, and they're fun people who are nice to have conversations with, despite being on the opposite side of the battlefield. (They just have some terrible choice in GMs sometimes, geez) The wildly successful AtF proved that MK and TOP really aren't all that different, and I among many other people were disappointed where we ended up. I'll be the first to admit this was largely our fault. I'm hoping that MK and TOP come out of this with a new respect for one another, even if it took the most destructive war in the history of the game to do it.

We also have similar taste in PC games, it seems, despite the fact that Hearts of Iron III was a horrendous game and Paradox should be ashamed for releasing it.

PS: despite this, they still need to pay for attacking us :v

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Wow, thanks for one of the first honest answers I've read in a while. Seriously, thanks, I was expecting you to lash out at me. :P

As for the meat of your answer, I think I have a problem with the thing about completely deserving it. Sure, I'd rather drink a bucket of spit than return to the old hegemony, but I still do not paint all alliances who were under its umbrella with the same brush. There are some good alliances in the old hegemony who do want to move forward just as there are some alliances in the new hegemony who are just as bad as the old dirtbags. :) I still hold trust the MK will be able to discern the difference soon, for I still love much about the MK and hate seeing it repeat the old hegemonic mistakes of seeing everything in black and white.

edit: I typed a more colorful word for dirtbags and the filter changed it to "my idols" Evil filter is evil. :P

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haha that's an awesome filter.

Wow, thanks for one of the first honest answers I've read in a while. Seriously, thanks, I was expecting you to lash out at me. :P

As for the meat of your answer, I think I have a problem with the thing about completely deserving it. Sure, I'd rather drink a bucket of spit than return to the old hegemony, but I still do not paint all alliances who were under its umbrella with the same brush. There are some good alliances in the old hegemony who do want to move forward just as there are some alliances in the new hegemony who are just as bad as the old dirtbags. :) I still hold trust the MK will be able to discern the difference soon, for I still love much about the MK and hate seeing it repeat the old hegemonic mistakes of seeing everything in black and white.

I think I tend to project that image :v:

I agree, though. There are plenty of alliances that fought on the Hegemony side of Karma and the TIFDTT side of this one that didn't do a whole lot wrong other than picking some objectionable friends, NEW and TFD for example. MK is more than willing to make new friends and even post-Karma we made attempts to get closer to a number of ex-Heg alliances. You are also right about the alliances on this side acting like, say, old Valhalla. I see it every day, but eventually I think everyone will learn just to chill the $%&@ out. It's the fast track to being rolled, and you don't really notice that until it happens to you.

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haha that's an awesome filter.

I think I tend to project that image :v:

I agree, though. There are plenty of alliances that fought on the Hegemony side of Karma and the TIFDTT side of this one that didn't do a whole lot wrong other than picking some objectionable friends, NEW and TFD for example. MK is more than willing to make new friends and even post-Karma we made attempts to get closer to a number of ex-Heg alliances. You are also right about the alliances on this side acting like, say, old Valhalla. I see it every day, but eventually I think everyone will learn just to chill the $%&@ out. It's the fast track to being rolled, and you don't really notice that until it happens to you.

Cool beans. :)

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Do you consider Argin to be a terrible person for Rambo'ing you during the noCB war? :awesome:

Being among three nations hitting me while I'm fighting three other nations is not something Rambo would do emot-colbert.gif

But no, he is only a terrible person for ignoring me despite returning to the game.

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I find that I get along well with most TOP members that I meet, and they're fun people who are nice to have conversations with, despite being on the opposite side of the battlefield. (They just have some terrible choice in GMs sometimes, geez) The wildly successful AtF proved that MK and TOP really aren't all that different, and I among many other people were disappointed where we ended up. I'll be the first to admit this was largely our fault. I'm hoping that MK and TOP come out of this with a new respect for one another, even if it took the most destructive war in the history of the game to do it.

Yeah, I can safely say both sides enjoyed that AtF. I just wish it had yielded better results overall.

I, too, am disappointed but in some ways I think the conflict was necessary to create a basis for mutual respect. To me, respect built on the battlefield is the greatest of respect.

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What happened to the smaller alliances in the Initiative? Ala MDC?

While they were in the Initiative, they were pretty bossed around. While the Initiative would claim to be an "equal" organization, there were clear tiers in authority. NPO and GOONS at the top, then NpO and FAN, etc etc etc. The smaller alliances didn't have their opinions taken into consideration a whole lot and were treated as mere meatshields. An example would be when VE had a pretty damn clear casus belli on /b/ a month before GWIII and they got shouted down by NPO who wanted to make friends with them. If NPO wanted to do something, for example, it was certainly expected that the other alliances go along with it without questioning it.

MDC joined the Initiative along with NoR during GWII in an attempt to get them in on the Initiative side of the war without provoking Legion's involvement, because they said they would declare on any "bandwagoners". After this, they fought RIA in GWIII, got beaten up pretty bad, and then faded mostly into oblivion. They went inactive, their leadership disappeared, and most people forgot they existed. A few months before the UJW some GOONS military officials went over to assist them (with SAmulticore becoming King of the alliance), but it was all for naught when they ended up siding with ~ in that war. Soon afterwards they merged into MCXA.

CIS was one of the original members of the Initiative, and part of the "Triple Entente" MADP with VE and GGA. They fought LOSS in GWII and "The Sphere" bloc in GWIII and, by any measure, they got their @#$% kicked both times. They were always viewed as the weakest part of the Initiative by both the other members of the bloc and by everyone outside of it. The League and Aegis both made piling on CIS to try and knock them out a key part of their military strategy. Luckily they didn't surrender, but they were pretty messed up. After GWIII they got a significant amount of aid from NPO in an attempt to help them grow, but it never had any real effect due to their high membership (and government!) turnover. I remember Vengashii and Supreme-Ultimo leaving NPO and becoming high level government in CIS in less than a week, giving them access to Initiative government discussions. CIS was more or less a spy factory and they were the source of our plan in GWII being leaked to the OWF. After GWIII, they were attacked as part of the so-called "Green Civil War" along with VE and NTO and forced to move to white team, but at least they survived. They eventually supported ~ in the UJW and became a key part of NpO's power structure. They had a lot of run-ins with NPO during 2008 and eventually disbanded to avoid an attack, but their inactive former membership was attacked anyway.

GGA...I don't want to talk about GGA. Believe it or not, though, they were at one point a good alliance.

TOP was a founding member of the Initiative, and its only democracy. Them having to vote on whether or not to honour the treaty in GWII was a great source of annoyance. They ended up being pre-empted in both GWII and GWIII by GATO and Legion, respectively, making their vote process a moot point. They proved themselves to be one of the most effective alliances in the Initiative due to their military skill and powerful nations. (Fun fact: at the time the Initiative formed their average was 5k NS and considered extraordinarily high) When it came to the Initiative's more infamous actions such as the attack on VE, they decided they would have no part in it. In the UJW they stayed neutral but threatened an intervention along with Gremlins against GATO because they attacked FOK, their MDP partner and an alliance aligned with GOONS. That would have been very interesting had it occurred. That last thing was the source of much resentment toward TOP from Sponge and lead to the NpO-TOP rivalry. The rest is history.

Genmay came to the game right after GWII, and were immediately jumped on by both sides for a treaty due to their potential power. GOONS eventually won out by giving them a protectorate and later an MDP. They fought GATO in GWIII and became a full member of the Initiative soon after the war. They were a key GOONS ally and member of the Unjust Path. A member of theirs messing around framed BoTS (NpO MDP partner) into giving them a CB, provoking the UJW. They didn't fight all that well and ended up being forced to disband. Some former members went to TOP, and others founded the much better alliance, Umbrella.

Anyone else?

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Yeah, I can safely say both sides enjoyed that AtF. I just wish it had yielded better results overall.

I, too, am disappointed but in some ways I think the conflict was necessary to create a basis for mutual respect. To me, respect built on the battlefield is the greatest of respect.

I agree, war has been the basis of friendships for many alliances throughout history, and even some of the closest alliances existent today. It's also lead to some of the bitterest rivalries. Let's hope for the former :v:

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Being among three nations hitting me while I'm fighting three other nations is not something Rambo would do emot-colbert.gif

But no, he is only a terrible person for ignoring me despite returning to the game.

I more meant the part where he attacked you before the VE declaration and then peaced out :ph34r:

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Why are you Sandwich Controversy and not babyjesus?

Why did GOONS decide to side with NPO/NpO in the Drinking Buddies Pact thingy and not the other side that everybody else was on at the time? Was there ever a chance you would have joined the NAAC/GATO/LUE group?

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You often come across as bagged milk's supreme champion. Is this a title you feel justified? Have you ever tried the oft forgotten (yet superior) glass-bottled milk?

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Why are you Sandwich Controversy and not babyjesus?

Why did GOONS decide to side with NPO/NpO in the Drinking Buddies Pact thingy and not the other side that everybody else was on at the time? Was there ever a chance you would have joined the NAAC/GATO/LUE group?

My original ruler name was Baby Jesus, but after the UJW I rerolled in an attempt to lay low. I intentionally kept the initials "SC", from my nation Soviet Canuckistan, which was the name I was more well known by. Despite not really bothering to keep my identity secret after a while, I managed to avoid being killed while remaining on the GGA P-ZI list until Karma. It would have given the Hegemony a pretty damn good CB against MK, too. GGA lol

In GOONS' first month, we get nearly a dozen MDP offers from various alliances. Among these were GATO and LUE, and a bloc offer with NAAC and LOSS. NAAC put a particular amount of effort into helping GOONS get off its feet, and were truly GOONS' first real friend. However, the ex-CoaLUEtion had created something of a "hegemony" and people decided that was terribly boring, so we decided to shake things up by offering an MADP to NPpO instead since they were completely and utterly isolated. Welp, we certainly succeeded in that! Also, as soon as the treaty went up all of our CoaLUEtion buddies started to hate us and we had no idea why. :( Still, the NAAC/LOSS treaty was a very real possibility, and it nearly happened.

This, I think, was one of the biggest turning points in CN history. GOONS grew into a real powerhouse, and became a pivotal part of NPO's power. Had we gone with NAAC/LOSS instead, the world today would be very different. GOONS picking NPO brought them out of their isolation and made them turn back into their old pre-GWI selves, opening the floodgates for other new-ish alliances to consider a different side of the web.

In short, sorry for partially causing the Hegemony, everybody!

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You often come across as bagged milk's supreme champion. Is this a title you feel justified? Have you ever tried the oft forgotten (yet superior) glass-bottled milk?

Yes, bagged milk supremacy. It is the most economical way. Also, I don't even think we have bottled milk here! Your country needs to come out of 1865!

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